Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Gods Plan for our Eternal life

During the past few months, I have referred to my faith on many occasions. I have told my story to you guys many times and for the most part been brutally honest. I am someone who has lived a sinners life. i have done things that I am not proud of. I will not go into them on here because I feel that is giving satan his glory and I will not do that ever again. When Katie died last July I made a promise to her and my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that I would shout to the top of my lungs the wonders and greatness of our God. Make no mistake about it, God didn't make Katie die. Her death was caused by none other than Satan himself.

God had the intention of letting us live forever in paradise from the very beginning. He created the Garden of Eden for that very purpose. all we had to do was obey, and worship him and the paradise of Eden would be our reward. Satan crept in and tempted Eve with the very thing that God had told them not to do. It is because of that sin that we have to face physical death at all. Sin seperates us from God and keeps us from the rewards that God created for us. The way back to God and his glory is by accepting his Son Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour and having our sins washed clean.

I am sure that many of you are saved. I am also sure that some are not and I am going to do all I can to help you re-think your position. Their are three types of unbelievers in the world. First being the atheist or someone that simply believes that their is no god and we all came from evolution. The second being the untruthful agnostic that doesnt have proof that there is a God and certainly doesnt want to know. He wants to live his life in his own reckless way. The third person is the real agnostic. He hasnt ever seen any real proof that there really is a God that gave his only Son to die on the Cross for our sins. He doesnt believe the Bible is the Word of God because he hasn't seen proof. If this third person is you please keep reading the restr of this Blog with an open mind.

The new testament talks about Jesus. It tells that he was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, talked with Angels, Healed the sick, walked on water, raised the dead, died a physical death on the Cross, and three days later rose from the dead and went to heaven to be with our Heavenly Father. He defeated the very death that Satan brought upon us in the Garden of eden so many years before. I know that some of this can actually be hard to prove because you cant see the actual evidence of it. You also can't see the wind but you can see the effects of it. If you are one of the true agnostics, please read the book of John. Look into the secular history books and compare what they say and compare them to the Book of John and I believe it will really open your eyes.

Mike "Buckett" Burkett

P.S. Due to the important nature of this Blog, I ask David Jett to proof it and make sure that I stayed scriptural. As always he enlightened me to some biblical things that I didn't think of. Below is his reply to me:

1. God is in charge! No matter what anyone thinks, God is seated on His throne as God over all the universe. You are right in saying that God didn't make Katie die. Because we live in a fallen world caused by sin, death still reigns (i.e. people still die - see 1 corinthians 15:26).

2. God redeems! In Genesis 3:15, God told the serpent (Satan) that rather than leave man in his fallen state, God was going to redeem (i.e. purchase us back/pay for man's sin) mankind. God told Adam that in the day he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil he would die (literally the Hebrew says, "in dying you will die). Eve was deceived and ate from the tree then turned to Adam and he too ate. Their temptation was to become their own gods - rulers of their own life with no need to answer to anyone. In taking that bite, separation occurred between God and mankind. Similar to a dropped cell phone call, Adam was at one time able to talk openly and freely with God, but in choosing to be his own god, the "signal" was dropped.

Rather than leave us in this state of eternal separation, God chose to redeem us back. While Adam and Eve thought they could be their own gods, in reality, they placed themselves under the sin of Satan - under his rule. The only possible way for man to be bought back was by God paying for that sin in the garden of Eden. This He did by becoming a man (Jesus), living without a sin nature. (The sin nature is passed down through the seed of Adam. That is why the virgin birth is so important. Jesus was conceived, not through Adam's seed, but by the Holy Spirit.)
Jesus lived a sinless life, then, on the cross, literally became sin, to redeem - buy back mankind. When Jesus said, "It is finished" on the cross, He used an Aramaic word, "tetelestai," which means, "paid in full." So, on the cross, Jesus paid the penalty for sin by being the second Adam that did not secumb to sin. As a result, everyone who comes under the second Adam (Jesus) is redeemed! (See Isaiah 53:6)

3. God restores! Not only did God purchase us back through Jesus on the cross, He also restored us to our rightful position as sons of God through the resurrection of Jesus! In the resurrection, Jesus became victorious over the grave and offers that victory to everyone who gives their life to Him. (See John 3:16 along with hundreds of other verses)
Positionally, a believer has been bought back by God and then restored to his position. That is why every believer is called a saint in Scripture. Practically, God is daily restoring us into the image of Christ. This happens when we say, "No" to the sinful nature which still resides in us, and we say "Yes" to the Holy Spirit who also resides in us.

Our restoration will one day be complete when Jesus returns and we are given our new bodies. A day is coming when there will be a new heaven and new earth and we will no longer be living in these bodies of decay caused by sin, but will have new glorified bodies! In that day, with sin no longer here, we will live forever with our God, our King, our Lord!

Katie, because she gave her life to Jesus, was redeemed by His death on the cross. Even though she died physically, and is separated from you physically, she is ALIVE and living in paradise with Jesus! When God restores all things (i.e. new heavens and new earth) Katie, you, Shelly, ... all who have given their life to Jesus will be dwelling together on the new earth in fully restored bodies that never decay!

I Know this is long and somewhat boring, but maybe it helps a little. Could have gone on, but this is probably enough for now!


1 comment:


Isn't it amazing that we have that day to look forward to when we get to live an eternal life. And you get to see your precious daughter again. You are a strong person and I pray that God will continue to bless you in the ways only he can.