Monday, October 6, 2008

Thanks Gardendale

  It is now less than a week until the 2008 runoff elections. I have no idea how things will turn out but I do know that I have learned many things about Gardendale and the people that live here. Many of you now know me on a more personnel level. Many topics that have been on our minds and in our hearts have been brought out and discussed. Last but not least there will be change in our city government for the first time in many years. 

  The people that live in our little paradise are mostly wonderful people. Gardendale still has a “Mayberry” feel to it. When things go wrong for people our neighbors rally for each other in a remarkable way. There is a comradarie between people here. We are loyal to our friends through thick and thin. Many people rally to the defense of their friends with a passion and go after the other guy with the same zeal. It seems we have that I can talk about my friend but you better leave him alone attitude that has made the south great for many years. 

  Our family has become very transparent due to the accident and my bid for council. We have developed new friendships and renewed many old ones. The way you guys have loved on us and prayed for us has been remarkable through a time of great sadness. I will forever appreciate the way you guys have rallied to our needs. I know now why Katie always had that smile on her face. She loved hard and received that same love in return. 

  For the first time in a long time, we actually have an election. Normally it has been whichever good ole boy got picked to follow whichever good ole boy was leaving. A select few picked a select few. This year we have many different people from many backgrounds running for office. This will bring diversity to the council and will also let the councilman know they can no longer get by on their names alone. The city is in a state of crisis financially and it will take a tremendous amount of teamwork to pull us out of our dilemma. 

  I ask each one of you to do as I am going to do after Tuesday’s election. I am going to back the elected winners and offer them my services whenever needed. I will not sit behind a computer and bad mouth any of them because frankly, I am not any better than any of them. I am going to respect the electorial process and give these guys an opportunity to do the jobs we have elected them to do. Most of all I am going to be thankful that I live in such a great place with so many wonderful people. 

  I would like to thank Gary Morris, Tim Clayton, and Joe Jones for the way our election has gone. They have been very respectful to me and my family and have all stepped up to help us in our grief. They campaigned with class and dignity. I am lucky to now have Tim and Gary as friends. I feel like Gardendale is getting a winner whether I win or lose and I thank Gary for all he has done for our city. 

  I am going to say one more time folks, Thank you so very much for the love and prayers through the last weeks. You will never know how much you have meant to me and my family. I pray none of you ever go through what we have went through, but if you do feel free to call and I will do anything I can. Please continue to remember us this week with it being homecoming. It will be tough but with the help of the lord and prayers we will make it through it 

God Bless You, 

Mike Burkett

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