John McIntosh was one of the upperclass offensive linemen when I went to play football at The University of Alabama. He was one of the older guys I looked up to because he seemed so invinceable. He worked out hard, practiced hard and hated losing. I ran into some of his recent work on Facebook and found out that he had started a ministry. Guys, this is a guy thats tough as they come. He is not only a Brother of mine in the A-Club, But in God's club as well. Heres what God has put on Johns heart for us.
Blogging is relatively new to me, as I have only been blogging a few months. I follow a few blogs, but to be honest, wonder how many really read my ramblings, and are they even making a difference. If you have gotten this far, could I ask you that this time, you read this one through to the end. These next few paragraphs are a divine appointment for all of us (including me).
Mike and I played football together at The University of Alabama, way back in the 1980's. I haven't seen or talked to Mike since leaving the capstone some 25 years ago. You can imagine my surprise when I opened my email to find that he had found me via facebook and asked to share with you via his blog. I am flattered and honored that he would even ask me to write a guest blog on his site.
I too have a blog site: "NO SUBSTITUTE FOR GUTS.BLOGSPOT.COM. I learned that quote from the legendary Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant, and have had a lot of fun throwing it around. It's kinda catchy and people seem to respond to it. After reading Mike's story about his daughter Katie being killed in a car accident while following her Father, "NO SUBSTITUTE FOR GUTS" has taken on a whole new meaning. You see the thing about courage, "guts" if you will, is that it is hard to define, but when you see it, it becomes unmistakeable. To see how Mike has handled this tragedy ladies and gentlemen is "guts" in action! That's what I want to spend just a couple more minutes talking about.
Mike shares something very intimate with God that very few of us ever will. Experiencing the lose of a child. I often tell teenagers that the greatest single act of courage in all of humanity, was not the physical part of the Cross, but what happened in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus is talking to His Father about what is about to happen to him. Jesus told His friends: "My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death." Matthew 26:38. This decision of obedience was literally killing Him, even before He was arrested. Jesus then went off to ask His Father not once, not twice, but three times, if it were possible, to let this cup of suffering pass by Him. We clearly see the anguish that Jesus (The Son) was going through, but have we ever stopped to imagine the absolute anguish and horror that His Dad/Father/God was going through? After all, this was His plan to reconcile you and I back to Him, and the reality of the moment was upon both of them. Then comes the moment of courage, "guts": "Yet I want your will to be done, not mine" Matthew 26:39. That moment was the greatest act of "courage" in all humanity. I love how that scene is depicted in the movie "The Passion of The Christ". The serpent slithers out as to come for Jesus and He stomps his head, burying him forever!!! "he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." Genesis 3:15. I marvel as such "courage" and have gained a whole new respect for those who display it. Mike understands that kind of courage! The question is, do you and I?
Where does such courage come from? It comes from God! Jesus had to go to His Father to summon that kind of courage, and so did Mike. Mike continues to show that courage everyday in his life. The same courage that Paul had: "I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. Philippians 1:20. Here is the really cool thing about this type of courage. God is no respecter of person! Meaning, this type of courage is not just for Jesus, Paul and now Mike. It is available to all of us, but to claim it takes "guts"! I'm talking about a 24/7/365 kind of "guts". Here's the thing about "guts", you can't fake it! Yeah, you might be able to fool a few people for a while, but sooner or later your true character will be revealed.
There are so many lessons to be learned through Katie's life that we can apply to our own. While I never met Katie, I am told that she has an incredible love for Jesus and that love is being passed on to literally thousands of people that now includes me, and I am blessed by it!
I'm not sure what you may have learned from reading this blog. I can tell you what I have learned in writing it! Mike Burkett understands what "NO SUBSTITUTE FOR GUTS" really means and it's time that I try to fully comprehend it as well. I can't for a moment even begin to imagine all the emotions that Mike and his family have gone through. What I can do is pay attention when God is speaking to me through Mike, and simply obey what He is telling me. That is we are in the very serious business of sharing the most incredible "truth" in the entire world with as many people as we can, and to do it effectively takes "guts". Jesus made it very clear that the world would hate us because of what He has asked us to do. "I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world anymore than I am of the world." John 17:14 The only way we are going to stand a chance to face that kind of persecution is through the "courage" of the Cross. So next time you see the Cross, don't forget the lesson we can all learn in The Garden of Gethsemane and through Mike Burkett and his family.
I would like to thank Mike for inviting me to post on his blog. Mike's courage is an inspiration and has helped me to understand what it truly takes to make a difference in this world. It takes "guts"! Mike, because of your example, I now have a whole new appreciation for the phrase: "NO SUBSTITUTE FOR GUTS"
Love ya, mean it! Mike
John McIntosh
PS: Here is a link that brings to life the type of "courage" that is available to us all!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Today in America
I believe America stands at a spiritual and Moral crossroad. A time that will determine the path of our nation and possibly the world. Christians are openly scorned and ridiculed by the media. Believers in Jesus Christ are never portrayed favorably by the entertainment industry. There has not been one occasion in recent memory where good wholesome Christian virtues have been treated respectfully by any major media outlet.
On the Judicial front, our courts and justices grow ever more hostile to any public expression of Christian faith. Public schools, funded by millions of our tax dollars, make it difficult for students to exercise their freedom of religion. They also have allowed the distribution of Condoms and Birth control pills to young boys and girls without parental consent.
The mention of Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life is an affront. In an era where all faiths must be equally exceptable, the exclusive claims of the Gospel are considered morally offensive. Our culture hates the mere mention of Jesus. What can we as Christians do to change this?
1) Prayer and repentence. We need to examine ourselves and come to the Lord with humility.
2) We must respectfully engage those in our circle of influence with the truth of the Gospel .
3) Speak the truth in love for our fellow man.
4) Be bold in our faith.
With God in our corner, we can make a difference. We must make a difference.
The above message was given by Franklin Graham In his message "Taking a Stand For Christ"
On the Judicial front, our courts and justices grow ever more hostile to any public expression of Christian faith. Public schools, funded by millions of our tax dollars, make it difficult for students to exercise their freedom of religion. They also have allowed the distribution of Condoms and Birth control pills to young boys and girls without parental consent.
The mention of Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life is an affront. In an era where all faiths must be equally exceptable, the exclusive claims of the Gospel are considered morally offensive. Our culture hates the mere mention of Jesus. What can we as Christians do to change this?
1) Prayer and repentence. We need to examine ourselves and come to the Lord with humility.
2) We must respectfully engage those in our circle of influence with the truth of the Gospel .
3) Speak the truth in love for our fellow man.
4) Be bold in our faith.
With God in our corner, we can make a difference. We must make a difference.
The above message was given by Franklin Graham In his message "Taking a Stand For Christ"
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Teachable Moments
When Brother Steve left GFBC for Belleview, I was very concerned for our Church. Steve was such a dynamic Pastor and really had a heart for God. When I heard Pastor Kevin preach for the first time my doubts were immediately removed. He has taken the reins at our Church and made each Sunday a blessing. I look forward to getting to know Kevin in the Future and was thrilled when he said yes to doing my blog.
As a pastor and a parent of 3 girls (senior, freshman and 1st grade), I am desperately trying to discern when I have a “teachable moment” with my children. You see, as a pastor EVERYTHING seems to be a teachable moment . . . at least, that’s what my kids tell me. So I am learning when to speak and when not to speak. I often ask the Holy Spirit for divine discernment as to when I should share a “life lesson” and when I should just keep quiet and allow God to “teach” my kids. Oh yeah, I also have to keep reminding myself that they are not “my” kids but “HIS” kids. Therefore, HE also has their best interest in mind.
So how do you determine when you have a teachable moment or not? That is a great question. I wish that I could say that I have the full-proof answer to that tough question but I don’t. I have learned a few lessons along the way that just might help you in your search for that answer.
First of all, I must rely on the wisdom of God through His Holy Spirit. I am striving to become more sensitive to the Spirit so that He can help me know when to talk and when to just be quiet. The Bible encourages us to ask for wisdom and God will give it to us freely and generously (James 1:5). Praying for wisdom has been a recurring theme for me for a long, long time. I was saved when I was 8 years old and surrendered to the ministry was I was 11 years old so I’ve had the incredible benefit at starting my walk with Jesus at an early age. However, it seems like I was always the young, inexperienced minister (my kids do remind me now that I’m not that young anymore) so I learned early on to pray earnestly for divine wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge in the best possible way. Every parent … every teacher … every coach … every leader of young people desperately needs divine wisdom from above!
Secondly, I have learned to “read” the reactions of my daughters. There are certain times that they seem more open to “teachable moments” than others. As a matter of fact, I often ask them, “Hey, I just noticed something that I would like to briefly share with you. Are you open to hearing about it?” Rarely have they not given me permission to push on but I think that by giving them the “control” of the conversation they feel more affirmed and appreciated.
Thirdly, I reward them for reading the books that I want them to read. You may object, “But you are bribing her!” I couldn’t have said it better myself. Yes, I am paying them to do what I want them to do. We used to call that an allowance. Clean your room. Put up your dirty clothes. Take out the trash then I will give you an allowance. Kim and I do not pay for household chores. Allow me to say that again. We do not pay for household chore. That is expected of everyone in the family (yes, even I have to do some chores . . . of course, they don’t involve power tools … ha, ha). Kim and I are more than willing to “reward” our girls for reading a book that we know can change their perspective and set them on the right track for life!
Fourthly, I am learning patience. I cannot make every moment a “teachable moment.” Some lessons take time to develop and be learned and they don’t have to get it all before they begin dating at age 35 … ha, ha! Parenting is one of the most difficult, challenging, frustrating, disappointing, depressing, agitating, irritating, but rewarding jobs in the world and I wouldn’t trade it for a weekly allowance!
Kevin Hamm
As a pastor and a parent of 3 girls (senior, freshman and 1st grade), I am desperately trying to discern when I have a “teachable moment” with my children. You see, as a pastor EVERYTHING seems to be a teachable moment . . . at least, that’s what my kids tell me. So I am learning when to speak and when not to speak. I often ask the Holy Spirit for divine discernment as to when I should share a “life lesson” and when I should just keep quiet and allow God to “teach” my kids. Oh yeah, I also have to keep reminding myself that they are not “my” kids but “HIS” kids. Therefore, HE also has their best interest in mind.
So how do you determine when you have a teachable moment or not? That is a great question. I wish that I could say that I have the full-proof answer to that tough question but I don’t. I have learned a few lessons along the way that just might help you in your search for that answer.
First of all, I must rely on the wisdom of God through His Holy Spirit. I am striving to become more sensitive to the Spirit so that He can help me know when to talk and when to just be quiet. The Bible encourages us to ask for wisdom and God will give it to us freely and generously (James 1:5). Praying for wisdom has been a recurring theme for me for a long, long time. I was saved when I was 8 years old and surrendered to the ministry was I was 11 years old so I’ve had the incredible benefit at starting my walk with Jesus at an early age. However, it seems like I was always the young, inexperienced minister (my kids do remind me now that I’m not that young anymore) so I learned early on to pray earnestly for divine wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge in the best possible way. Every parent … every teacher … every coach … every leader of young people desperately needs divine wisdom from above!
Secondly, I have learned to “read” the reactions of my daughters. There are certain times that they seem more open to “teachable moments” than others. As a matter of fact, I often ask them, “Hey, I just noticed something that I would like to briefly share with you. Are you open to hearing about it?” Rarely have they not given me permission to push on but I think that by giving them the “control” of the conversation they feel more affirmed and appreciated.
Thirdly, I reward them for reading the books that I want them to read. You may object, “But you are bribing her!” I couldn’t have said it better myself. Yes, I am paying them to do what I want them to do. We used to call that an allowance. Clean your room. Put up your dirty clothes. Take out the trash then I will give you an allowance. Kim and I do not pay for household chores. Allow me to say that again. We do not pay for household chore. That is expected of everyone in the family (yes, even I have to do some chores . . . of course, they don’t involve power tools … ha, ha). Kim and I are more than willing to “reward” our girls for reading a book that we know can change their perspective and set them on the right track for life!
Fourthly, I am learning patience. I cannot make every moment a “teachable moment.” Some lessons take time to develop and be learned and they don’t have to get it all before they begin dating at age 35 … ha, ha! Parenting is one of the most difficult, challenging, frustrating, disappointing, depressing, agitating, irritating, but rewarding jobs in the world and I wouldn’t trade it for a weekly allowance!
Kevin Hamm
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
I have been blown away
I have asked God many times to lead me in the direction that he wanted me to take with my Blog. I have asked that he put the words that he wanted me to write on this paper. God has led me to use others in the blog to show their point of view and life experiences. One day God spoke to me and told me that I needed to ask Carli Patrick to do one of my next blogs. After reading her message I know why he led me in that direction.
Carli is a 19 year old Freshman at Alabama. She was one of Katie's best friends for many years and has been like a member of the Burkett Family. Words cannot describe how we all feel about Carli. She took many vacations with us and was injured in the wreck that took my Katies life. Here is her amazing story:
When Buckett asked me to write a blog, I looked at him like we was crazy. I told him I have absolutely nothing to write. Buckett reminded me that we all have a story and that I should write about mine. So here goes nothing….
13 months ago, I was involved in a car accident that dramatically changed 5 peoples’ lives along with all of our families. We all lost a part of us: a best friend, a daughter, a cousin, etc. I remember my dad telling me in the hospital that Katie didn’t make it and all I could think about was why did this happen. We were all good people. We went to church. We made good grades. Why did we deserve this?
While we were in the hospital, it felt as if the entire city of Gardendale came to visit us. People brought flowers, cards, food, etc! Amazing love was shown to us through our families and friends. For that, I will forever be grateful.
I remember my brother coming in. He came the day after the accident, holding a note. He put it beside my bed and told me to open it after everyone had left. In the note, he explained how much he wanted to take all the pain away. He thought that’s what big brothers were supposed to do. He said all he could do was to hold my hand though. He also told me that “he strongly encouraged me to take all of my thoughts to God. HE could handle them.” It would be a long time before I actually understood what that meant.
My senior year was filled with bittersweet memories. It seemed as if as soon as things seemed like they would be normal again, I would start missing Katie more. Everyone told me to just keep praying and everything would get better because God had a plan for me. I didn’t really believe that then. I had been praying and nothing was getting better and I surely didn’t believe that God could use me. As my senior year dragged on, it seemed as if I just got angrier and angrier. Not on the outside but on the inside I did. I quit praying all together. I decided that God hadn’t been there for me, so I surely wasn’t going to be there for him.
Everything only got worse. I only became angrier and more closed off than I had been in the first place. I kept thinking that I was going to wake up. This whole thing had just been a bad dream and that none of it was real. But it was real and I never woke up. One day as I sat alone in my house, I came across the note that my brother had written me. As I read over the words I thought to myself, “God, if you really want to know how I feel well here it is.” I began screaming. Yes, I said screaming and at the top of my lungs. I sat there crying and screaming. I honestly think that was the first time I had been real with myself and especially with God. I finally let go of all that I had been holding inside for so many months. Nothing changed in my life in that moment. I didn’t start praying more or reading my Bible, but I did start telling God how I felt in each moment. If I was sad, I would tell him about it. If I thought things were unfair, I would tell him about that too. Each time it was if God kept telling me, “I’m here daughter. I’ve always been right here.”
I started going to Generation on Thursday nights at church. I would listen to the message, sing the songs, and then sit nervously during the invitation. I knew that I didn’t have a real relationship with God. My relationship with Him had always been a one way street. I took and took from Him and wanted Him to help me only when I thought I couldn’t handle things myself. One night, I couldn’t sit still any longer. I confessed to God that I hadn’t been a disciple for Him. I had never experienced a true relationship with Him and I told Him that I wanted Him to be the center of my life. I didn’t want to run anymore. If I ran anywhere it was going to be into Him. So that’s what I did. I ran to Him and let Him run with me. I began reading and praying and talking to God about everything that went on in my life. I told Him what I was thinking, what I needed, what I felt, and I knew deep in my heart that He was listening. God actually did care about me, not only that, but He did love me! ME!! I sometimes have a hard time understanding that and constantly find myself asking the question, “God why do you love me so much? Selfish, impatient, me??” And the answer is always the same. “Because you are my child and nothing you do will ever take that love away from you!”
How amazing is it that God loves us? More importantly, how amazing is it when we actually realize that? INCREDIBLE!
I am now a freshman student at The University of Alabama! I moved to Tuscaloos
a about 2 ½ weeks ago. Everyday is a challenge. I have to drag myself out of bed and to class almost everyday. I have to actually do my homework without mom and dad making me and I have to find my own food!! It doesn’t make it any easier that I miss Katie Burkett every day! I know she would be right here with us loving every minute of it! But she is here. She’s always with us!
What a journey I have been on. God has already used me in some amazing ways. I had the incredible opportunity of becoming apart of the Generation ministry. I developed God-building relationships with people who have been there for me unconditionally. I have gotten to speak to people who do not yet know the Lord and tell them my story. God sent me to Ecuador in July and I got to serve his people! In Ecuador, I got to be apart of an incredible experience I will never forget! I also know that part of God’s plan in my life is to serve in other countries such as Ecuador! What an amazing call that is!
I have an amazing group of friends that support me and encourage me in my Christian faith daily! I have an amazing family that does the same. But more importantly, I have an amazing God who never fails me. I know God has a plan for me. He has a plan for me in a job one day, in a family, and to a Godly man. Right now, I am just walking daily with him fulfilling His purpose in my life. I don’t exactly know what it is, but I know that wherever I go, He is going to use me for His glory. Nothing is too big for GOD. I realized He actually can handle our thoughts and anything we throw at him! He wants us to do that. He wants us to be honest with Him and that’s what I intend to do with Him daily.
I encourage you also to throw any emotion you have at God. Any feelings, worries, doubts, etc. HE CAN HANDLE THEM!! God has an amazing plan for you! You just have to ask for it! J
Carli Patrick
Carli is a 19 year old Freshman at Alabama. She was one of Katie's best friends for many years and has been like a member of the Burkett Family. Words cannot describe how we all feel about Carli. She took many vacations with us and was injured in the wreck that took my Katies life. Here is her amazing story:

13 months ago, I was involved in a car accident that dramatically changed 5 peoples’ lives along with all of our families. We all lost a part of us: a best friend, a daughter, a cousin, etc. I remember my dad telling me in the hospital that Katie didn’t make it and all I could think about was why did this happen. We were all good people. We went to church. We made good grades. Why did we deserve this?
While we were in the hospital, it felt as if the entire city of Gardendale came to visit us. People brought flowers, cards, food, etc! Amazing love was shown to us through our families and friends. For that, I will forever be grateful.
I remember my brother coming in. He came the day after the accident, holding a note. He put it beside my bed and told me to open it after everyone had left. In the note, he explained how much he wanted to take all the pain away. He thought that’s what big brothers were supposed to do. He said all he could do was to hold my hand though. He also told me that “he strongly encouraged me to take all of my thoughts to God. HE could handle them.” It would be a long time before I actually understood what that meant.
My senior year was filled with bittersweet memories. It seemed as if as soon as things seemed like they would be normal again, I would start missing Katie more. Everyone told me to just keep praying and everything would get better because God had a plan for me. I didn’t really believe that then. I had been praying and nothing was getting better and I surely didn’t believe that God could use me. As my senior year dragged on, it seemed as if I just got angrier and angrier. Not on the outside but on the inside I did. I quit praying all together. I decided that God hadn’t been there for me, so I surely wasn’t going to be there for him.
Everything only got worse. I only became angrier and more closed off than I had been in the first place. I kept thinking that I was going to wake up. This whole thing had just been a bad dream and that none of it was real. But it was real and I never woke up. One day as I sat alone in my house, I came across the note that my brother had written me. As I read over the words I thought to myself, “God, if you really want to know how I feel well here it is.” I began screaming. Yes, I said screaming and at the top of my lungs. I sat there crying and screaming. I honestly think that was the first time I had been real with myself and especially with God. I finally let go of all that I had been holding inside for so many months. Nothing changed in my life in that moment. I didn’t start praying more or reading my Bible, but I did start telling God how I felt in each moment. If I was sad, I would tell him about it. If I thought things were unfair, I would tell him about that too. Each time it was if God kept telling me, “I’m here daughter. I’ve always been right here.”
I started going to Generation on Thursday nights at church. I would listen to the message, sing the songs, and then sit nervously during the invitation. I knew that I didn’t have a real relationship with God. My relationship with Him had always been a one way street. I took and took from Him and wanted Him to help me only when I thought I couldn’t handle things myself. One night, I couldn’t sit still any longer. I confessed to God that I hadn’t been a disciple for Him. I had never experienced a true relationship with Him and I told Him that I wanted Him to be the center of my life. I didn’t want to run anymore. If I ran anywhere it was going to be into Him. So that’s what I did. I ran to Him and let Him run with me. I began reading and praying and talking to God about everything that went on in my life. I told Him what I was thinking, what I needed, what I felt, and I knew deep in my heart that He was listening. God actually did care about me, not only that, but He did love me! ME!! I sometimes have a hard time understanding that and constantly find myself asking the question, “God why do you love me so much? Selfish, impatient, me??” And the answer is always the same. “Because you are my child and nothing you do will ever take that love away from you!”
How amazing is it that God loves us? More importantly, how amazing is it when we actually realize that? INCREDIBLE!
I am now a freshman student at The University of Alabama! I moved to Tuscaloos

What a journey I have been on. God has already used me in some amazing ways. I had the incredible opportunity of becoming apart of the Generation ministry. I developed God-building relationships with people who have been there for me unconditionally. I have gotten to speak to people who do not yet know the Lord and tell them my story. God sent me to Ecuador in July and I got to serve his people! In Ecuador, I got to be apart of an incredible experience I will never forget! I also know that part of God’s plan in my life is to serve in other countries such as Ecuador! What an amazing call that is!
I have an amazing group of friends that support me and encourage me in my Christian faith daily! I have an amazing family that does the same. But more importantly, I have an amazing God who never fails me. I know God has a plan for me. He has a plan for me in a job one day, in a family, and to a Godly man. Right now, I am just walking daily with him fulfilling His purpose in my life. I don’t exactly know what it is, but I know that wherever I go, He is going to use me for His glory. Nothing is too big for GOD. I realized He actually can handle our thoughts and anything we throw at him! He wants us to do that. He wants us to be honest with Him and that’s what I intend to do with Him daily.
I encourage you also to throw any emotion you have at God. Any feelings, worries, doubts, etc. HE CAN HANDLE THEM!! God has an amazing plan for you! You just have to ask for it! J
Carli Patrick
There's always more time
The demon awards show is at a fever pitch. It is time to name the Most Valuable demon of the year. The second runner up is introduced and as he receives his award Satan ask him how he was able to send 5000 souls to hell. He smiled and told him that he convinced each one there was no hell. All the demons roared with approval. The first runner up is introduced and satan ask him the same question. He answered that he simply convinced the 10,000 souls that there was no heaven. Again the underworld roared with approval. Finally, Time for the MVD. He is introduced and again satan smiling so very proud, ask the question again. How did you get 20,000 souls to hell? The demon smiled and said, " I told them there was a heaven. I told them there was a hell. But, I told them they had plenty of time."
I bring up this little story that most of us heard in Sunday School because this Week 2 very dear people I know lost their lives. One was 24 and the other was 62. Both of them woke up that very morning thinking that this is just another day. As fate would have it, It would be there last day on earth. Neither one was sick. Neither one had any idea that this was coming. They both had families that they were planning future events with here on earth.
Satan and his cronies work diligently to do all they can to bring people down. In our very community, they work to make Christians look bad to Non-believers. He also attacks the estabolishments like GFBC and MVUMC to dis-credit Their ability to do God's work in the community. He often times does all he can to pit Christian against Christian. Why would they spend their time attacking us this way?
The answer to that question is very simple. I only recently understood it and when I figured it out it blew me away. If GFBC or MOFBC or Generations or any of our Churches go out and save one dynamic person, it can alter the balance of Heaven and hell in incredible ways. You must think of this dynamic as a triangle. Small at the top and getting larger as it goes down. The point at the top is the moment that one person is saved. As you go down the triangle in his lifetime. it grows wider as the people he saves and the people they save join the Kingdom of God. Amazing
Thinking of it this way, I began to understand why satan and his demons work so very hard at making Christians and Churches look bad. I understand why they tell so many lies to non-believers to try and keep them away from Jesus. If you are not saved, please do not listen to the lies. Please understand that tomorrow is not a given. The only thing that is certain is one day our time here will run out and we will stand before God and be judged. Take the next step and ask Jesus to be Lord of your Life. If you do this, It will not matter when that day comes.
I bring up this little story that most of us heard in Sunday School because this Week 2 very dear people I know lost their lives. One was 24 and the other was 62. Both of them woke up that very morning thinking that this is just another day. As fate would have it, It would be there last day on earth. Neither one was sick. Neither one had any idea that this was coming. They both had families that they were planning future events with here on earth.
Satan and his cronies work diligently to do all they can to bring people down. In our very community, they work to make Christians look bad to Non-believers. He also attacks the estabolishments like GFBC and MVUMC to dis-credit Their ability to do God's work in the community. He often times does all he can to pit Christian against Christian. Why would they spend their time attacking us this way?
The answer to that question is very simple. I only recently understood it and when I figured it out it blew me away. If GFBC or MOFBC or Generations or any of our Churches go out and save one dynamic person, it can alter the balance of Heaven and hell in incredible ways. You must think of this dynamic as a triangle. Small at the top and getting larger as it goes down. The point at the top is the moment that one person is saved. As you go down the triangle in his lifetime. it grows wider as the people he saves and the people they save join the Kingdom of God. Amazing
Thinking of it this way, I began to understand why satan and his demons work so very hard at making Christians and Churches look bad. I understand why they tell so many lies to non-believers to try and keep them away from Jesus. If you are not saved, please do not listen to the lies. Please understand that tomorrow is not a given. The only thing that is certain is one day our time here will run out and we will stand before God and be judged. Take the next step and ask Jesus to be Lord of your Life. If you do this, It will not matter when that day comes.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
What do I do now
It is midnight here on a Thursday night. It has really been an interesting week. I had a realtor over on Monday to see about selling my house. By the time he had gotten back to me on Tuesday I had been laid off of a job I had been at for the last seven years. They took my cell phone and my truck and there I was in Bessemer trying to figure out how I was going to get home. Wednesday, I borrowed my cousins old work truck and signed up for unemployment. Thursday I was tooling around in that old truck with no air conditioner and the blew the head gasket. I got a call and found out that all Kate's classmates were in Tuscaloosa moving into their dorms and I couldn't help but think that Buggs should be there as well. I think I will just stay in bed in the morning til Monday and get up and start over.
With all that being said I would like to tell you that I am really in a great mood. Due to a couple of things in my life, I know its all going to be okay. I have a wonderful supportive family. I live in the greatest community in the world. ( even if Obama is President). Most of all though, I am a Child of a Wonderful, Gracious, Loving, Heavenly Father thats going to never give me any more than I can handle. Jesus stated in the Gospels that Even the birds of the trees are taken care of and that each one of us are many times more important to him than the birds. My God has been carrying me the last 13 months and I know he is able to do it longer if need be.
I am going to continue to sing the praises of My Lord till my dying day. He put people in my life that led me to an understanding of his love at an early age. He has given me a wonderful church family at GFBC and beyond. I have my Christian Brotherhood like, Ronnie Vaughn, David Jett, Andy Heis, Mike McCulley, Donny Headley, Andy Hardin, Jeff Powell, Brad Myrick, Danial Foy, Hunter Graveman, and many others that always seem to just kinda show up when life gets heavy. Many people who seem to be Praying for me and my family and giving us unconditional Love and friendship.
I encourage anyone thats going to a hard time in their life to seek out friends and family. Talk about the issues with someone thats a positive influence. Try to look at the good and realize the bad is going to one day go away. But, the most important thing that I would encourage you to do is turn it all over to Jesus. Ask him to be the Lord of your life and seek him. That is the way to peace and contentment. That is the only way to true happiness. With him comes a friend thats closer than a brother. He will never leave you or forsake you. One day he will take you by the hand and lead you to Glory.
Mike "Buckett" Burkett
With all that being said I would like to tell you that I am really in a great mood. Due to a couple of things in my life, I know its all going to be okay. I have a wonderful supportive family. I live in the greatest community in the world. ( even if Obama is President). Most of all though, I am a Child of a Wonderful, Gracious, Loving, Heavenly Father thats going to never give me any more than I can handle. Jesus stated in the Gospels that Even the birds of the trees are taken care of and that each one of us are many times more important to him than the birds. My God has been carrying me the last 13 months and I know he is able to do it longer if need be.
I am going to continue to sing the praises of My Lord till my dying day. He put people in my life that led me to an understanding of his love at an early age. He has given me a wonderful church family at GFBC and beyond. I have my Christian Brotherhood like, Ronnie Vaughn, David Jett, Andy Heis, Mike McCulley, Donny Headley, Andy Hardin, Jeff Powell, Brad Myrick, Danial Foy, Hunter Graveman, and many others that always seem to just kinda show up when life gets heavy. Many people who seem to be Praying for me and my family and giving us unconditional Love and friendship.
I encourage anyone thats going to a hard time in their life to seek out friends and family. Talk about the issues with someone thats a positive influence. Try to look at the good and realize the bad is going to one day go away. But, the most important thing that I would encourage you to do is turn it all over to Jesus. Ask him to be the Lord of your life and seek him. That is the way to peace and contentment. That is the only way to true happiness. With him comes a friend thats closer than a brother. He will never leave you or forsake you. One day he will take you by the hand and lead you to Glory.
Mike "Buckett" Burkett
Monday, August 10, 2009
A Very Special Lady
Last week I was just coming in from getting off work when My phone Rang. It was my mother. She began talking to me in one of those ways that lets you know she has something to tell you but is not ready to tell you yet kinda ways. After a moment of small talk she broke the news that Kendal Thomas had Lymphoma. She was having some back and leg problems that the doctors finally diagnosed as cancer. BAMMM. This can't be, only a month or two ago Kendal was finishing up her freshman year of softball at AUM. ( Most of you know what school that is but I cant bring myself to write it). She is in perfect health, there is no possible way that could be true I thought. I immediately called Darryl and he confirmed it. My heart has hurt for them from that very minute on. I wanted to take a few moments and tell you about this one very special little lady and her family.
I first got to really know Kendal when she was 12 years old. She and my Katie were on Darryl's softball team. Buggs thought that was awesome because she could never hit Kendal when she pitched and they had always been on opposite teams. When Kendal was born God reached down and put a thunderbolt on her shoulder and she became a VERY good softball pitcher and player. With that being said, All of the credit should not be put on her ability. You see, that year I got to see how very hard she worked at being such a good player. She would work daily to make perfect the skills God had blessed her with. That season Darryl's team won the championship in large part because of Kendal and her presence on the mound.
Many people have physical abilities but not the mental abilities to use them. That was never a problem for 48 (Kendal). It seemed to me that the tougher things got in game situations, The better she would perform. She never got riled. She never gave up. When things got tough on her, she always seemed to be at her best. With all this being said, the thing that I admired most about her is that she has always been a shy, sweet, innocent person.
One day when She was a freshman at Gardendale High School, she was having some problems with adjusting to playing on the varsity softball team. I saw her in the parking lot and she told me that she didn't know if she could pitch anymore. Her reason to me was that she was letting her teammates down when they lost. It wasn't the pressure, or not being good enough, it was that she was concerned for her team. I knew then that 48 was a very special individual and told her that on the spot. If I recall correctly she only lost 3 times as 14 year old playing against 18 year olds.
The abilities and fortitude that I have mentioned above are the reasons I know that Kendal will beat this cancer. Her faith is being tested like Rick Burgess said in the previous blog and there is no doubt in my mind that she will past this test. She has a wonderful family giving her uncondition love and care. She has this whole community pulling for her and praying for her. She also has all the qualities that I mentioned above that she will use to put this in her past. God gave her many abilities and to those that have much, much is expected. She will come through this with flying colors because like I said before, Kendal Thomas is SPECIAL.
Mike "Buckett" Burkett
I first got to really know Kendal when she was 12 years old. She and my Katie were on Darryl's softball team. Buggs thought that was awesome because she could never hit Kendal when she pitched and they had always been on opposite teams. When Kendal was born God reached down and put a thunderbolt on her shoulder and she became a VERY good softball pitcher and player. With that being said, All of the credit should not be put on her ability. You see, that year I got to see how very hard she worked at being such a good player. She would work daily to make perfect the skills God had blessed her with. That season Darryl's team won the championship in large part because of Kendal and her presence on the mound.
Many people have physical abilities but not the mental abilities to use them. That was never a problem for 48 (Kendal). It seemed to me that the tougher things got in game situations, The better she would perform. She never got riled. She never gave up. When things got tough on her, she always seemed to be at her best. With all this being said, the thing that I admired most about her is that she has always been a shy, sweet, innocent person.
One day when She was a freshman at Gardendale High School, she was having some problems with adjusting to playing on the varsity softball team. I saw her in the parking lot and she told me that she didn't know if she could pitch anymore. Her reason to me was that she was letting her teammates down when they lost. It wasn't the pressure, or not being good enough, it was that she was concerned for her team. I knew then that 48 was a very special individual and told her that on the spot. If I recall correctly she only lost 3 times as 14 year old playing against 18 year olds.
The abilities and fortitude that I have mentioned above are the reasons I know that Kendal will beat this cancer. Her faith is being tested like Rick Burgess said in the previous blog and there is no doubt in my mind that she will past this test. She has a wonderful family giving her uncondition love and care. She has this whole community pulling for her and praying for her. She also has all the qualities that I mentioned above that she will use to put this in her past. God gave her many abilities and to those that have much, much is expected. She will come through this with flying colors because like I said before, Kendal Thomas is SPECIAL.
Mike "Buckett" Burkett
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Welcome Rick Burgess
Due to the fact that I have not felt like writing much lately, I have requested some help from a few friends. I really like doing this because it gives me an opportunity to see how others think and react to situations. This month I have gotten a friend from many years back that has traveled a very similar road to mine to give us his thoughts. Without further adou, The Sexiest Fat Man Alive, Rick Burgess.
I have been told so many times since the earthly death of my son one and half years ago, not by the lost but by people who claim to follow CHRIST, that they don't think they could have responded to the pain and suffering we as a family have faced in the same way. We have responded and people wants to know why? I tell people all the time that all we have done is to access the power given to us by GOD through his son JESUS CHRIST and HIS presence and comfort found in the HOLY SPIRIT. I mean how much more clear can JESUS say it to us than HE did in John 16:33 " In this world you will have tribulation, (not you might, you will) but take heart because I have overcome the world".
Why do CHRISTIANS act so surprised by pain and suffering when the HOLY BIBLE clearly tell us that we should not be surprised by pain and suffering as a matter of fact it should be expected. Let's first talk about what pain is not, it is not a lack of love on GOD'S part. I can't tolerate when someone goes through something horrible here on earth and they mutter "I thought GOD loves us?” God came to us when our sin condemned us all to perish in the fires of hell because we could not come into HIS presence with sin. Man could not become GOD therefore GOD became man WHEN HE DIDN'T HAVE TO! He then provided payment for our sin by taking on flesh, suffering in our place, defeating sin on the cross, pouring out HIS wrath due on us. HIS own son, defeated death on the 3rd day to provide salvation for all of us WHEN HE DIDN'T HAVE TO!
I think GOD is on record for how much HE loves you and me. The sin of the world killed my son. That includes your sin and mine. Now let's talk about what pain and suffering really are according to the word of GOD. 1 Peter, chapter one verse 6 and 7 clearly states, "in this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials. That the genuineness of your faith being much more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire may be found to praise, honor, and glory and the revelation of JESUS CHRIST". We are allowed to suffer to test the genuineness of our faith. May we pass this test by responding in a way that HONORS CHRIST and has an impact for HIS Kingdom. That we may enter into heaven to reunite with our loved one so they will hear our SAVIOUR say to us, 'Well done, good and faithful servant".......join me....I am going for the well done.
Rick Burgess
servant of CHRIST
I have been told so many times since the earthly death of my son one and half years ago, not by the lost but by people who claim to follow CHRIST, that they don't think they could have responded to the pain and suffering we as a family have faced in the same way. We have responded and people wants to know why? I tell people all the time that all we have done is to access the power given to us by GOD through his son JESUS CHRIST and HIS presence and comfort found in the HOLY SPIRIT. I mean how much more clear can JESUS say it to us than HE did in John 16:33 " In this world you will have tribulation, (not you might, you will) but take heart because I have overcome the world".
Why do CHRISTIANS act so surprised by pain and suffering when the HOLY BIBLE clearly tell us that we should not be surprised by pain and suffering as a matter of fact it should be expected. Let's first talk about what pain is not, it is not a lack of love on GOD'S part. I can't tolerate when someone goes through something horrible here on earth and they mutter "I thought GOD loves us?” God came to us when our sin condemned us all to perish in the fires of hell because we could not come into HIS presence with sin. Man could not become GOD therefore GOD became man WHEN HE DIDN'T HAVE TO! He then provided payment for our sin by taking on flesh, suffering in our place, defeating sin on the cross, pouring out HIS wrath due on us. HIS own son, defeated death on the 3rd day to provide salvation for all of us WHEN HE DIDN'T HAVE TO!
I think GOD is on record for how much HE loves you and me. The sin of the world killed my son. That includes your sin and mine. Now let's talk about what pain and suffering really are according to the word of GOD. 1 Peter, chapter one verse 6 and 7 clearly states, "in this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials. That the genuineness of your faith being much more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire may be found to praise, honor, and glory and the revelation of JESUS CHRIST". We are allowed to suffer to test the genuineness of our faith. May we pass this test by responding in a way that HONORS CHRIST and has an impact for HIS Kingdom. That we may enter into heaven to reunite with our loved one so they will hear our SAVIOUR say to us, 'Well done, good and faithful servant".......join me....I am going for the well done.
Rick Burgess
servant of CHRIST
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Marks of a True Christian
I previously posted that I was going to ask others to contribute to my Blog. Here is the next contributions from someone that I truly respect and dearly miss. I hope you guys will enjoy this article from Pastor Steve Gaines
“Marks of a True Christian”
Matthew 25:34-40
"Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36 naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.' 37 "Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38 'And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39 'When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' 40 "The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'"
Not long ago while I was reading my Bible, I came across this familiar passage in Matthew 25. As I read Jesus’ words that day, an alarm went off in my heart. It was as though Jesus was speaking directly to me saying, “Steve, how many hungry people do you personally feed? Son, how many thirsty people do you offer something to drink? And Steve, when was the last time you literally invited a stranger to stay in your home? Son, how many naked people have you clothed, and how many sick people do you visit? And when is the last time you went to a prison to visit someone there?”
I was speechless. I literally felt as if I had been “weighed in the balance and found wanting.” I sat holding my Bible in a state of semi-shock. At that moment it dawned on me that I rarely did any of those things mentioned by Jesus. Yes, I preached sermons, and I even verbally witnessed to people, sometimes total strangers. But I did not do the things that Jesus mentioned in that text.
It also dawned on me that Jesus was saying that people who go to heaven do these kinds of things, but people who go to hell do not do these kinds of things! Doing these works won’t save you, but if someone is saved he will do these kinds of works. And if a person never does these kinds of things, and never has a desire to do these kinds of things mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 25, he has every reason to ask himself if he is a genuine follower of Jesus Christ!
I immediately called one of our missions’ pastors at my church and within a few weeks I was preaching in a penitentiary in Arkansas. That night when I walked in and saw those 200+ prisoners, I literally sensed the unmistakable manifest presence of God. I also sensed Jesus’ tremendous love for those men! It was as though He was saying to me, “Steve, now you are here where I am, doing what I do.” I walked out into the middle of those men – rapists, murderers, thieves, etc., and sat on the front row. And believe it or not, they were very nice to me! There I was, feeling God’s love for people who were societal outcasts. It’s what Jesus felt when He associated with those whom the religious hypocrites of His day referred to as societal “scum.” It made me unexplainably joyful, but embarrassingly sad because of how hard my heart had been.
Since God spoke to me through Matthew 25 and similar texts, I have visited the penitentiary several more times. Also, our church (Bellevue Baptist Church) has launched a local missions program called Bellevue Loves Memphis. We regularly engage in service projects of all sorts aimed at helping hurting people in our community. We seek to “find a need and meet it; find a hurt and heal it.” I call it “service evangelism,” ministering to the physical needs of people in order to “earn the opportunity” to share the Gospel of Jesus with them to lead them to faith in Christ.
Every three months on a Saturday we participate in a Bellevue Loves Memphis workday, sending out 800-900 people on 20-25 short-term, local mission projects throughout Memphis and Shelby County. We repair houses for poor and elderly people, restore dilapidated athletic fields for public schools, assist the City of Memphis in cleaning up “urban blight,” and engage in community enhancement projects such as cleaning vacant lots with chainsaw teams and picking up trash on roadsides. We help paint and repair inner city church buildings and distribute food and clothing to the needy. We’ve “adopted” struggling inner-city public schools, providing them with tutors. Many of these students have significantly improved their achievement test scores.
Again, each of these service projects has enabled us to verbally share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with people across the Memphis area that we never would have encountered otherwise. In fact, we do these things ultimately to gain the privilege and opportunity to share the Gospel with them so they will be saved. After all, what does it matter if they have a full stomach, better clothes, a warmer bed, and a nicer house, but they die without Christ and spend eternity in hell?
Giving money to missions is not enough. Even supporting organizations that assist poor people, visit people in prison, etc., is not enough. Neither is going on an overseas mission trip enough. Some Christians participate in overseas mission trips but rarely if ever witness for Christ in their own town. That is inconsistent at best and hypocritical at worst.
You must personally feed the hungry, quench the thirst of the thirsty, cloth the naked, house the homeless, and visit those who are imprisoned or who are sick, so you can verbally share the Gospel, beginning in the city where you live.
In recent years, many conservative, Bible-believing churches have abdicated these kinds of “social ministries” to the more theologically liberal churches. Liberal churches do “social ministry,” but rarely if ever share the Gospel so that someone can be saved. On the other hand, conservative churches have tended to focus on a form of evangelism that simply tells of God’s love, but rarely shows it in tangible acts of service. I am suggesting that we do both – social ministry and verbal evangelism.
Please ask yourself, “Am I doing any of these things that Jesus mentioned in Matthew 25? Do I have a desire to do them?” And, “Is my church doing these things?”
Think about it – helping hurting people who are hungry, thirsty, homeless, naked, sick, and in prison, and then sharing the Gospel with them. That sounds a lot like what Jesus did, doesn’t it? People that go to heaven do these things; people that go to hell don’t. These acts of service evangelism are what I refer to as the authentic “Marks of a True Christian.”
Pastor Steve Gaines
“Marks of a True Christian”
Matthew 25:34-40
"Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36 naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.' 37 "Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink? 38 'And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39 'When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' 40 "The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'"
Not long ago while I was reading my Bible, I came across this familiar passage in Matthew 25. As I read Jesus’ words that day, an alarm went off in my heart. It was as though Jesus was speaking directly to me saying, “Steve, how many hungry people do you personally feed? Son, how many thirsty people do you offer something to drink? And Steve, when was the last time you literally invited a stranger to stay in your home? Son, how many naked people have you clothed, and how many sick people do you visit? And when is the last time you went to a prison to visit someone there?”
I was speechless. I literally felt as if I had been “weighed in the balance and found wanting.” I sat holding my Bible in a state of semi-shock. At that moment it dawned on me that I rarely did any of those things mentioned by Jesus. Yes, I preached sermons, and I even verbally witnessed to people, sometimes total strangers. But I did not do the things that Jesus mentioned in that text.
It also dawned on me that Jesus was saying that people who go to heaven do these kinds of things, but people who go to hell do not do these kinds of things! Doing these works won’t save you, but if someone is saved he will do these kinds of works. And if a person never does these kinds of things, and never has a desire to do these kinds of things mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 25, he has every reason to ask himself if he is a genuine follower of Jesus Christ!
I immediately called one of our missions’ pastors at my church and within a few weeks I was preaching in a penitentiary in Arkansas. That night when I walked in and saw those 200+ prisoners, I literally sensed the unmistakable manifest presence of God. I also sensed Jesus’ tremendous love for those men! It was as though He was saying to me, “Steve, now you are here where I am, doing what I do.” I walked out into the middle of those men – rapists, murderers, thieves, etc., and sat on the front row. And believe it or not, they were very nice to me! There I was, feeling God’s love for people who were societal outcasts. It’s what Jesus felt when He associated with those whom the religious hypocrites of His day referred to as societal “scum.” It made me unexplainably joyful, but embarrassingly sad because of how hard my heart had been.
Since God spoke to me through Matthew 25 and similar texts, I have visited the penitentiary several more times. Also, our church (Bellevue Baptist Church) has launched a local missions program called Bellevue Loves Memphis. We regularly engage in service projects of all sorts aimed at helping hurting people in our community. We seek to “find a need and meet it; find a hurt and heal it.” I call it “service evangelism,” ministering to the physical needs of people in order to “earn the opportunity” to share the Gospel of Jesus with them to lead them to faith in Christ.
Every three months on a Saturday we participate in a Bellevue Loves Memphis workday, sending out 800-900 people on 20-25 short-term, local mission projects throughout Memphis and Shelby County. We repair houses for poor and elderly people, restore dilapidated athletic fields for public schools, assist the City of Memphis in cleaning up “urban blight,” and engage in community enhancement projects such as cleaning vacant lots with chainsaw teams and picking up trash on roadsides. We help paint and repair inner city church buildings and distribute food and clothing to the needy. We’ve “adopted” struggling inner-city public schools, providing them with tutors. Many of these students have significantly improved their achievement test scores.
Again, each of these service projects has enabled us to verbally share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with people across the Memphis area that we never would have encountered otherwise. In fact, we do these things ultimately to gain the privilege and opportunity to share the Gospel with them so they will be saved. After all, what does it matter if they have a full stomach, better clothes, a warmer bed, and a nicer house, but they die without Christ and spend eternity in hell?
Giving money to missions is not enough. Even supporting organizations that assist poor people, visit people in prison, etc., is not enough. Neither is going on an overseas mission trip enough. Some Christians participate in overseas mission trips but rarely if ever witness for Christ in their own town. That is inconsistent at best and hypocritical at worst.
You must personally feed the hungry, quench the thirst of the thirsty, cloth the naked, house the homeless, and visit those who are imprisoned or who are sick, so you can verbally share the Gospel, beginning in the city where you live.
In recent years, many conservative, Bible-believing churches have abdicated these kinds of “social ministries” to the more theologically liberal churches. Liberal churches do “social ministry,” but rarely if ever share the Gospel so that someone can be saved. On the other hand, conservative churches have tended to focus on a form of evangelism that simply tells of God’s love, but rarely shows it in tangible acts of service. I am suggesting that we do both – social ministry and verbal evangelism.
Please ask yourself, “Am I doing any of these things that Jesus mentioned in Matthew 25? Do I have a desire to do them?” And, “Is my church doing these things?”
Think about it – helping hurting people who are hungry, thirsty, homeless, naked, sick, and in prison, and then sharing the Gospel with them. That sounds a lot like what Jesus did, doesn’t it? People that go to heaven do these things; people that go to hell don’t. These acts of service evangelism are what I refer to as the authentic “Marks of a True Christian.”
Pastor Steve Gaines
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Why Does God Allow Evil To Happen
Many times in recent years I have often ask " how can something so bad happen to someone so good." This has never been more pressing than today when I found out a very good friend of mines wife had to have surgery for cancer. This is one of the sweetest people that I have ever met and one of the Godliest people as well. She has been here for me daily thru my hard times and from what I understand she is that way with everyone. I sat down after lunch and began reading my monthly issue of A Purpose Driven Connection and there was an article on this very topic. I would like to share this with you.
In the days since 9/11, the reality of evil has intruded its way into our lives in ways we would not have guessed in years past. Yet evil has always been with us and makes us ask the question, Why does God allow evil to happen?
The answer lies in our greatest blessing and in our worse curse: Our ability to make choices. Made in Gods image we have been given a free will. The freedom to decide how we will act and to make Moral choices. This gift of freedom is also the source for much pain in our world. People often make selfish and evil choices. When that happens, people get hurt.
Sin is selfishness. I want to do what I want to do, not what God tells me to do. Unfortunately sin almost always hurts others, not just ourselves. God could have removed all sin by simply removing our ability to choose. But, God has no desire for us to be puppets. He wants our love to be genuine. That cant be if there is no other option.
The truth is that we all choose between Good and evil every single day. You and I are not evil but we do harm and hurt others with our selfish decisions and actions. When bad things happen you often here people say," this must have been Gods will". Nonsense, in a world of free choices, Gods will is rarely done. Do not blame God, blame the people that don't do what God commanded us to do; Love your neighbor as yourself."
In heaven, Gods will is done perfectly. But, this is earth, a fallen and imperfect place. We must choose to do Gods will every day. That is why Jesus told us to pray that "thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." The Bible explains the root of evil and this is the crisis that we are in; God light streamed into the world and men and women everywhere ran to the darkness... because they were not really interested in pleasing God, Just themselves.
In every crisis situation we seem to yearn for that connection with God. The first words uttered by most on 9/11 were "oh God!" So how we handle the the question of evil verses God's will is entirely up to each individual. We were made for a relationship with God but, we must choose it. Settling this issue in your heart will bring many rewards but.... We must choose it
In the days since 9/11, the reality of evil has intruded its way into our lives in ways we would not have guessed in years past. Yet evil has always been with us and makes us ask the question, Why does God allow evil to happen?
The answer lies in our greatest blessing and in our worse curse: Our ability to make choices. Made in Gods image we have been given a free will. The freedom to decide how we will act and to make Moral choices. This gift of freedom is also the source for much pain in our world. People often make selfish and evil choices. When that happens, people get hurt.
Sin is selfishness. I want to do what I want to do, not what God tells me to do. Unfortunately sin almost always hurts others, not just ourselves. God could have removed all sin by simply removing our ability to choose. But, God has no desire for us to be puppets. He wants our love to be genuine. That cant be if there is no other option.
The truth is that we all choose between Good and evil every single day. You and I are not evil but we do harm and hurt others with our selfish decisions and actions. When bad things happen you often here people say," this must have been Gods will". Nonsense, in a world of free choices, Gods will is rarely done. Do not blame God, blame the people that don't do what God commanded us to do; Love your neighbor as yourself."
In heaven, Gods will is done perfectly. But, this is earth, a fallen and imperfect place. We must choose to do Gods will every day. That is why Jesus told us to pray that "thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven." The Bible explains the root of evil and this is the crisis that we are in; God light streamed into the world and men and women everywhere ran to the darkness... because they were not really interested in pleasing God, Just themselves.
In every crisis situation we seem to yearn for that connection with God. The first words uttered by most on 9/11 were "oh God!" So how we handle the the question of evil verses God's will is entirely up to each individual. We were made for a relationship with God but, we must choose it. Settling this issue in your heart will bring many rewards but.... We must choose it
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Hello Again
In recent days, I have had several people E-mail me and ask when I was going to put up a new post. While I enjoy doing these blogs, I have always been led to write about the things that are going on with my families journey thru our tragedy. God has more or less given me the topics and I have tried to be a vessel for his word to manifest from. I promised Katie at the wreck site that I was not going to let satan have any victory in this other than the very moment of her physical death and God has taken over from there.
I have been honored to be able to talk to so many people about what God has done in my life thru the passing of my Baby, and the impact her relationship with him had on my life. I have no idea how someone could get thru this if they were not saved. The Bible tells us that the number of our steps is known to God before we are even conceived, so I know that he had the Angels sitting there waiting on Buggs as she walked into heaven. I am so very proud of her and the life she led here on earth.
I miss her more every day and I feel like maybe my heavenly Father has been giving me time to
mourn and heal or somewhat come to terms with whats happened. We have had to deal with Senior night, Cheerleading tryouts, Graduation, Mothers and Fathers Day, and the upcoming 1 year anniversary of the wreck. It has been a very difficult time as you probably can imagine.
I want to take this opportunity to ask for your continued prayer as we get closer to July 20th. I also want to encourage every parent that reads this to talk about their childrens salvation with them. Know that if you are in my shoes you will be able to have the peace of mind that will enable you to face each new day. And last but not least if you personally do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior pick up a Bible and read the Book of John.
Mike "Buckett" Burkett
I have been honored to be able to talk to so many people about what God has done in my life thru the passing of my Baby, and the impact her relationship with him had on my life. I have no idea how someone could get thru this if they were not saved. The Bible tells us that the number of our steps is known to God before we are even conceived, so I know that he had the Angels sitting there waiting on Buggs as she walked into heaven. I am so very proud of her and the life she led here on earth.
I miss her more every day and I feel like maybe my heavenly Father has been giving me time to
mourn and heal or somewhat come to terms with whats happened. We have had to deal with Senior night, Cheerleading tryouts, Graduation, Mothers and Fathers Day, and the upcoming 1 year anniversary of the wreck. It has been a very difficult time as you probably can imagine.
I want to take this opportunity to ask for your continued prayer as we get closer to July 20th. I also want to encourage every parent that reads this to talk about their childrens salvation with them. Know that if you are in my shoes you will be able to have the peace of mind that will enable you to face each new day. And last but not least if you personally do not know Jesus as your Lord and Savior pick up a Bible and read the Book of John.
Mike "Buckett" Burkett
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Gods Plan for our Eternal life
During the past few months, I have referred to my faith on many occasions. I have told my story to you guys many times and for the most part been brutally honest. I am someone who has lived a sinners life. i have done things that I am not proud of. I will not go into them on here because I feel that is giving satan his glory and I will not do that ever again. When Katie died last July I made a promise to her and my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ that I would shout to the top of my lungs the wonders and greatness of our God. Make no mistake about it, God didn't make Katie die. Her death was caused by none other than Satan himself.
God had the intention of letting us live forever in paradise from the very beginning. He created the Garden of Eden for that very purpose. all we had to do was obey, and worship him and the paradise of Eden would be our reward. Satan crept in and tempted Eve with the very thing that God had told them not to do. It is because of that sin that we have to face physical death at all. Sin seperates us from God and keeps us from the rewards that God created for us. The way back to God and his glory is by accepting his Son Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour and having our sins washed clean.
I am sure that many of you are saved. I am also sure that some are not and I am going to do all I can to help you re-think your position. Their are three types of unbelievers in the world. First being the atheist or someone that simply believes that their is no god and we all came from evolution. The second being the untruthful agnostic that doesnt have proof that there is a God and certainly doesnt want to know. He wants to live his life in his own reckless way. The third person is the real agnostic. He hasnt ever seen any real proof that there really is a God that gave his only Son to die on the Cross for our sins. He doesnt believe the Bible is the Word of God because he hasn't seen proof. If this third person is you please keep reading the restr of this Blog with an open mind.
The new testament talks about Jesus. It tells that he was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, talked with Angels, Healed the sick, walked on water, raised the dead, died a physical death on the Cross, and three days later rose from the dead and went to heaven to be with our Heavenly Father. He defeated the very death that Satan brought upon us in the Garden of eden so many years before. I know that some of this can actually be hard to prove because you cant see the actual evidence of it. You also can't see the wind but you can see the effects of it. If you are one of the true agnostics, please read the book of John. Look into the secular history books and compare what they say and compare them to the Book of John and I believe it will really open your eyes.
Mike "Buckett" Burkett
P.S. Due to the important nature of this Blog, I ask David Jett to proof it and make sure that I stayed scriptural. As always he enlightened me to some biblical things that I didn't think of. Below is his reply to me:
1. God is in charge! No matter what anyone thinks, God is seated on His throne as God over all the universe. You are right in saying that God didn't make Katie die. Because we live in a fallen world caused by sin, death still reigns (i.e. people still die - see 1 corinthians 15:26).
2. God redeems! In Genesis 3:15, God told the serpent (Satan) that rather than leave man in his fallen state, God was going to redeem (i.e. purchase us back/pay for man's sin) mankind. God told Adam that in the day he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil he would die (literally the Hebrew says, "in dying you will die). Eve was deceived and ate from the tree then turned to Adam and he too ate. Their temptation was to become their own gods - rulers of their own life with no need to answer to anyone. In taking that bite, separation occurred between God and mankind. Similar to a dropped cell phone call, Adam was at one time able to talk openly and freely with God, but in choosing to be his own god, the "signal" was dropped.
Rather than leave us in this state of eternal separation, God chose to redeem us back. While Adam and Eve thought they could be their own gods, in reality, they placed themselves under the sin of Satan - under his rule. The only possible way for man to be bought back was by God paying for that sin in the garden of Eden. This He did by becoming a man (Jesus), living without a sin nature. (The sin nature is passed down through the seed of Adam. That is why the virgin birth is so important. Jesus was conceived, not through Adam's seed, but by the Holy Spirit.)
Jesus lived a sinless life, then, on the cross, literally became sin, to redeem - buy back mankind. When Jesus said, "It is finished" on the cross, He used an Aramaic word, "tetelestai," which means, "paid in full." So, on the cross, Jesus paid the penalty for sin by being the second Adam that did not secumb to sin. As a result, everyone who comes under the second Adam (Jesus) is redeemed! (See Isaiah 53:6)
3. God restores! Not only did God purchase us back through Jesus on the cross, He also restored us to our rightful position as sons of God through the resurrection of Jesus! In the resurrection, Jesus became victorious over the grave and offers that victory to everyone who gives their life to Him. (See John 3:16 along with hundreds of other verses)
Positionally, a believer has been bought back by God and then restored to his position. That is why every believer is called a saint in Scripture. Practically, God is daily restoring us into the image of Christ. This happens when we say, "No" to the sinful nature which still resides in us, and we say "Yes" to the Holy Spirit who also resides in us.
Our restoration will one day be complete when Jesus returns and we are given our new bodies. A day is coming when there will be a new heaven and new earth and we will no longer be living in these bodies of decay caused by sin, but will have new glorified bodies! In that day, with sin no longer here, we will live forever with our God, our King, our Lord!
Katie, because she gave her life to Jesus, was redeemed by His death on the cross. Even though she died physically, and is separated from you physically, she is ALIVE and living in paradise with Jesus! When God restores all things (i.e. new heavens and new earth) Katie, you, Shelly, ... all who have given their life to Jesus will be dwelling together on the new earth in fully restored bodies that never decay!
I Know this is long and somewhat boring, but maybe it helps a little. Could have gone on, but this is probably enough for now!
God had the intention of letting us live forever in paradise from the very beginning. He created the Garden of Eden for that very purpose. all we had to do was obey, and worship him and the paradise of Eden would be our reward. Satan crept in and tempted Eve with the very thing that God had told them not to do. It is because of that sin that we have to face physical death at all. Sin seperates us from God and keeps us from the rewards that God created for us. The way back to God and his glory is by accepting his Son Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour and having our sins washed clean.
I am sure that many of you are saved. I am also sure that some are not and I am going to do all I can to help you re-think your position. Their are three types of unbelievers in the world. First being the atheist or someone that simply believes that their is no god and we all came from evolution. The second being the untruthful agnostic that doesnt have proof that there is a God and certainly doesnt want to know. He wants to live his life in his own reckless way. The third person is the real agnostic. He hasnt ever seen any real proof that there really is a God that gave his only Son to die on the Cross for our sins. He doesnt believe the Bible is the Word of God because he hasn't seen proof. If this third person is you please keep reading the restr of this Blog with an open mind.
The new testament talks about Jesus. It tells that he was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, talked with Angels, Healed the sick, walked on water, raised the dead, died a physical death on the Cross, and three days later rose from the dead and went to heaven to be with our Heavenly Father. He defeated the very death that Satan brought upon us in the Garden of eden so many years before. I know that some of this can actually be hard to prove because you cant see the actual evidence of it. You also can't see the wind but you can see the effects of it. If you are one of the true agnostics, please read the book of John. Look into the secular history books and compare what they say and compare them to the Book of John and I believe it will really open your eyes.
Mike "Buckett" Burkett
P.S. Due to the important nature of this Blog, I ask David Jett to proof it and make sure that I stayed scriptural. As always he enlightened me to some biblical things that I didn't think of. Below is his reply to me:
1. God is in charge! No matter what anyone thinks, God is seated on His throne as God over all the universe. You are right in saying that God didn't make Katie die. Because we live in a fallen world caused by sin, death still reigns (i.e. people still die - see 1 corinthians 15:26).
2. God redeems! In Genesis 3:15, God told the serpent (Satan) that rather than leave man in his fallen state, God was going to redeem (i.e. purchase us back/pay for man's sin) mankind. God told Adam that in the day he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil he would die (literally the Hebrew says, "in dying you will die). Eve was deceived and ate from the tree then turned to Adam and he too ate. Their temptation was to become their own gods - rulers of their own life with no need to answer to anyone. In taking that bite, separation occurred between God and mankind. Similar to a dropped cell phone call, Adam was at one time able to talk openly and freely with God, but in choosing to be his own god, the "signal" was dropped.
Rather than leave us in this state of eternal separation, God chose to redeem us back. While Adam and Eve thought they could be their own gods, in reality, they placed themselves under the sin of Satan - under his rule. The only possible way for man to be bought back was by God paying for that sin in the garden of Eden. This He did by becoming a man (Jesus), living without a sin nature. (The sin nature is passed down through the seed of Adam. That is why the virgin birth is so important. Jesus was conceived, not through Adam's seed, but by the Holy Spirit.)
Jesus lived a sinless life, then, on the cross, literally became sin, to redeem - buy back mankind. When Jesus said, "It is finished" on the cross, He used an Aramaic word, "tetelestai," which means, "paid in full." So, on the cross, Jesus paid the penalty for sin by being the second Adam that did not secumb to sin. As a result, everyone who comes under the second Adam (Jesus) is redeemed! (See Isaiah 53:6)
3. God restores! Not only did God purchase us back through Jesus on the cross, He also restored us to our rightful position as sons of God through the resurrection of Jesus! In the resurrection, Jesus became victorious over the grave and offers that victory to everyone who gives their life to Him. (See John 3:16 along with hundreds of other verses)
Positionally, a believer has been bought back by God and then restored to his position. That is why every believer is called a saint in Scripture. Practically, God is daily restoring us into the image of Christ. This happens when we say, "No" to the sinful nature which still resides in us, and we say "Yes" to the Holy Spirit who also resides in us.
Our restoration will one day be complete when Jesus returns and we are given our new bodies. A day is coming when there will be a new heaven and new earth and we will no longer be living in these bodies of decay caused by sin, but will have new glorified bodies! In that day, with sin no longer here, we will live forever with our God, our King, our Lord!
Katie, because she gave her life to Jesus, was redeemed by His death on the cross. Even though she died physically, and is separated from you physically, she is ALIVE and living in paradise with Jesus! When God restores all things (i.e. new heavens and new earth) Katie, you, Shelly, ... all who have given their life to Jesus will be dwelling together on the new earth in fully restored bodies that never decay!
I Know this is long and somewhat boring, but maybe it helps a little. Could have gone on, but this is probably enough for now!
Friday, March 13, 2009
A journey that began back in July has finally ended, or at least began a new chapter. As many of you know, we found out that Shelley was pregnant on Tuesday July 15th. We Lost Katie on our way to vacation the next Sunday. We experienced a great joy at the beginning of the week and a sadness that I cant begin to explain five days later. That goes to show us that we are on God's time and he is not necessarily on ours.
I wept when she finally arrived because all of our family really needed something to be happy about. While this does nothing to lesson the pain of losing my Buggs, it re-enforces the fact that I must go on. I have to continue being a Godly Dad, husband, son, friend etc. Katie would not only want that, she would expect it.
So, without further ado, here is the introduction of Eden Jamison Burkett. She was born Thursday night at 8:24 p.m. She weighed 9lbs and 6ozs. She has a head full of black curly hair that we fully expect to change, I would like to thank all of you that called, came by and prayed for us. Please continue to do so because Lord only knows, We are going to need it.
Mike "Buckett"Burkett
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Gods Purpose for us
On occasion I am blessed to receive something from a friend that really hits home. This is one of those times. I received this Sunday afternoon after the snow had left and wanted to share it with you guys.
This is a great interview with Rick Warren. He wrote the Purpose Driven Life.You will enjoy the new insights that Rick Warren has, with his wife now having cancer and him having 'wealth' from the book sales of the 'Purpose Driven Life'. This is an absolutely incredible short interview with Rick Warren, 'Purpose Driven Life ' author and pastor of Saddleback Church in California.
In the interview by Paul Bradshaw with Rick Warren, Rick said: "People ask me, What is the purpose of life? I respond: In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were not made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven. One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of my body-- but not the end of me. I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to spend trillions of years in eternity. This is the warm-up act - the dress rehearsal. God wants us to practice on earth what we will do forever in eternity. We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out, life isn't going to make sense. Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you're just coming out of one, or you're getting ready to go into another one. The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort; God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy. We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that's not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness. This past year has been the greatest year of my life but also the toughest, with my wife, Kay, getting cancer. I used to think that life was hills and valleys - you go through a dark time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth. I don't believe that anymore. Rather than life being hills and valleys, I believe that it's kind of like two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have something good and something bad in your life.
No matter how good things are in your life, there is always something bad that needs to be worked on. No matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can thank God for. You can focus on your purposes, or you can focus on your problems: If you focus on your problems, you're going into self-centeredness, which is my problem, my issues, my pain.' But one of the easiest ways to get rid of pain is to get your focus off yourself and onto God and others.We discovered quickly that in spite of the prayers of hundreds of thousands of people, God was not going to heal Kay or make it easy for her- It has been very difficult for her, and yet God has strengthened her character, given her a ministry of helping other people, given her a testimony, drawn her closer to Him and to people.
You have to learn to deal with both the good and the bad of life. Actually, sometimes learning to deal with the good is harder. For instance, this past year, all of a sudden, when the book sold 15 million copies, it made me instantly very wealthy. It also brought a lot of notoriety that I had never had to deal with before. I don't think God gives you money or notoriety for your own ego or for you to live a life of I began to ask God what He wanted me to do with this money, notoriety and influence. He gave me two different passages that helped me decide what to do, II Corinthians 9 and Psalm 72. Here are the initiatives God led me to do:
First, in spite of all the money coming in, we would not change our lifestyle one bit.. We made no major purchases.
Second, about midway through last year, I stopped taking a salary from the church. Third, we set up foundations to fund an initiative we call The Peace Plan to plant churches, equip leaders, assist the poor, care for the sick, and educate the next generation.Fourth, I added up all that the church had paid me in the 24 years since I started the church, and I gave it all back. It was liberating to be able to serve God for free.We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions? Popularity? Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness? Materialism? Or am I going to be driven by God's purposes (for my life)? When I get up in the morning, I sit on the side of my bed and say, God, if I don't get anything else done today, I want to know You more and love You better. God didn't put me on earth just to fulfill a to-do list. He's more interested in what I am than what I do.
That's why we're called human beings, not human doings. Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.Painful moments, TRUST GOD.Every moment, THANK GOD.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I will have a Guest blogger in the next couple of days. Some of you may have heard of him, Pastor Steve Gaines Bellevue Baptist Church.
This is a great interview with Rick Warren. He wrote the Purpose Driven Life.You will enjoy the new insights that Rick Warren has, with his wife now having cancer and him having 'wealth' from the book sales of the 'Purpose Driven Life'. This is an absolutely incredible short interview with Rick Warren, 'Purpose Driven Life ' author and pastor of Saddleback Church in California.
In the interview by Paul Bradshaw with Rick Warren, Rick said: "People ask me, What is the purpose of life? I respond: In a nutshell, life is preparation for eternity. We were not made to last forever, and God wants us to be with Him in Heaven. One day my heart is going to stop, and that will be the end of my body-- but not the end of me. I may live 60 to 100 years on earth, but I am going to spend trillions of years in eternity. This is the warm-up act - the dress rehearsal. God wants us to practice on earth what we will do forever in eternity. We were made by God and for God, and until you figure that out, life isn't going to make sense. Life is a series of problems: Either you are in one now, you're just coming out of one, or you're getting ready to go into another one. The reason for this is that God is more interested in your character than your comfort; God is more interested in making your life holy than He is in making your life happy. We can be reasonably happy here on earth, but that's not the goal of life. The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness. This past year has been the greatest year of my life but also the toughest, with my wife, Kay, getting cancer. I used to think that life was hills and valleys - you go through a dark time, then you go to the mountaintop, back and forth. I don't believe that anymore. Rather than life being hills and valleys, I believe that it's kind of like two rails on a railroad track, and at all times you have something good and something bad in your life.
No matter how good things are in your life, there is always something bad that needs to be worked on. No matter how bad things are in your life, there is always something good you can thank God for. You can focus on your purposes, or you can focus on your problems: If you focus on your problems, you're going into self-centeredness, which is my problem, my issues, my pain.' But one of the easiest ways to get rid of pain is to get your focus off yourself and onto God and others.We discovered quickly that in spite of the prayers of hundreds of thousands of people, God was not going to heal Kay or make it easy for her- It has been very difficult for her, and yet God has strengthened her character, given her a ministry of helping other people, given her a testimony, drawn her closer to Him and to people.
You have to learn to deal with both the good and the bad of life. Actually, sometimes learning to deal with the good is harder. For instance, this past year, all of a sudden, when the book sold 15 million copies, it made me instantly very wealthy. It also brought a lot of notoriety that I had never had to deal with before. I don't think God gives you money or notoriety for your own ego or for you to live a life of I began to ask God what He wanted me to do with this money, notoriety and influence. He gave me two different passages that helped me decide what to do, II Corinthians 9 and Psalm 72. Here are the initiatives God led me to do:
First, in spite of all the money coming in, we would not change our lifestyle one bit.. We made no major purchases.
Second, about midway through last year, I stopped taking a salary from the church. Third, we set up foundations to fund an initiative we call The Peace Plan to plant churches, equip leaders, assist the poor, care for the sick, and educate the next generation.Fourth, I added up all that the church had paid me in the 24 years since I started the church, and I gave it all back. It was liberating to be able to serve God for free.We need to ask ourselves: Am I going to live for possessions? Popularity? Am I going to be driven by pressures? Guilt? Bitterness? Materialism? Or am I going to be driven by God's purposes (for my life)? When I get up in the morning, I sit on the side of my bed and say, God, if I don't get anything else done today, I want to know You more and love You better. God didn't put me on earth just to fulfill a to-do list. He's more interested in what I am than what I do.
That's why we're called human beings, not human doings. Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.Painful moments, TRUST GOD.Every moment, THANK GOD.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I will have a Guest blogger in the next couple of days. Some of you may have heard of him, Pastor Steve Gaines Bellevue Baptist Church.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Surprise Gifts
I came home from a family birthday thing today and got an incredible gift. While I was gone, Leslie Dodson had driven by and left me a CD of the cheerleaders 2008 camp.This CD contained many minutes of Katie at cheercamp last summer. Can you imagine the feeling I had when I put the disk in and actually got to see and hear my baby talking, smiling, cheering etc. There were times that I just tried to reach out and touch the screen. I just wanted one more hug, kiss, just to feel her next to me, one more time. Some of you that read this blog know what I am talking about from experience, and some, can only imagine what that might seem like. My prayer for the ones that have to imagine is thats as close as you ever get to dealing with losing a child.
I am sure that there are many men out there that know what I mean when I say that I never knew what love was until Katie was born. She had a real weird color and an elongated head from being in the birth canal too long. I was a first time dad, so I turned to the Doctor and said," will she stay like that." As you can imagine, I have caught alot of grief over that question from KK and her Mom throughout the years. I also remember the first fever she had that got over 102, That scared me to death. While we are mentioning the health issues, I must mention the Broken Arm, Broken Leg, Stitches in her head, all by the age of 6.
Tynette and I divorced when she was 6 and had it not been for Katie, I would have gone crazy. During the height of the tension she calmly told me that I would always have her. You can't imagine the joy a man has when he feels unconditional love for the first time. I know that my parents love me as well but, that is kind of expected. She stayed with me a majority of the time and some of my fondest memories with her are of us reading books and watching Bert and Ernie.
Later came softball and other sports when she was a pre-teen. She was so excited when she made all-stars as a 10 year old. The next year she played for Darryl Sutton and made it again. Thats when it kicked in to her that hard work pays off. Darryl would carry Katie and Kendall to the park on Saturdays and Sundays and with his help, KK got alot better. Shortly after that she got her first bra and went crazy. She decided she liked Boys and wanted to be a cheerleader. That was a sad day in the life of her Dad. We spent many nights the next few years worrying about cheerleading and Rockette tryouts. It was a real blessing being able to see her work so hard to make it and then see the look of accomplishment on her face when she actually found out that she made the squad.
She started dating at 15. Driving at 16. Going to all the Alabama home games with me the fall she turned 16. She loved Alabama and would get so upset when we lost. She knew in her heart that once we hired Coach Saban that she was going to be in for an incredible four years. She felt like he would turn the program into a dynasty again. She was about to begin her college career and couldn't wait to be in T-Town. She always wanted to go to the Sugar Bowl because she knew the history of Alabama and the Sugar Bowl.
I appreciate the time you guys have given to go down memory lane with me. Right now that is what I have. The memories and the knowledge that we will one day be together again. You can't possibly imagine how important that last part is. The knowledge that Katie and I have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and because of that acceptance even physical death will not keep us apart. I would like to encourage every parent that reads this to do a couple of things. First, ask yourself what would happen to you if you died tonight. If you do not know the answer please read 1 John Chapter 3. Second, know how your children stand spiritually and guide them accordingly. Third, appreciate every game, dance, vacation, dinner, etc. that you have with those you love. If you do these things, it will make it easier to wake up each morning if, heaven forbid, your ever in our families shoes.
Mike"Buckett" Burkett
I am sure that there are many men out there that know what I mean when I say that I never knew what love was until Katie was born. She had a real weird color and an elongated head from being in the birth canal too long. I was a first time dad, so I turned to the Doctor and said," will she stay like that." As you can imagine, I have caught alot of grief over that question from KK and her Mom throughout the years. I also remember the first fever she had that got over 102, That scared me to death. While we are mentioning the health issues, I must mention the Broken Arm, Broken Leg, Stitches in her head, all by the age of 6.
Tynette and I divorced when she was 6 and had it not been for Katie, I would have gone crazy. During the height of the tension she calmly told me that I would always have her. You can't imagine the joy a man has when he feels unconditional love for the first time. I know that my parents love me as well but, that is kind of expected. She stayed with me a majority of the time and some of my fondest memories with her are of us reading books and watching Bert and Ernie.
Later came softball and other sports when she was a pre-teen. She was so excited when she made all-stars as a 10 year old. The next year she played for Darryl Sutton and made it again. Thats when it kicked in to her that hard work pays off. Darryl would carry Katie and Kendall to the park on Saturdays and Sundays and with his help, KK got alot better. Shortly after that she got her first bra and went crazy. She decided she liked Boys and wanted to be a cheerleader. That was a sad day in the life of her Dad. We spent many nights the next few years worrying about cheerleading and Rockette tryouts. It was a real blessing being able to see her work so hard to make it and then see the look of accomplishment on her face when she actually found out that she made the squad.
She started dating at 15. Driving at 16. Going to all the Alabama home games with me the fall she turned 16. She loved Alabama and would get so upset when we lost. She knew in her heart that once we hired Coach Saban that she was going to be in for an incredible four years. She felt like he would turn the program into a dynasty again. She was about to begin her college career and couldn't wait to be in T-Town. She always wanted to go to the Sugar Bowl because she knew the history of Alabama and the Sugar Bowl.
I appreciate the time you guys have given to go down memory lane with me. Right now that is what I have. The memories and the knowledge that we will one day be together again. You can't possibly imagine how important that last part is. The knowledge that Katie and I have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and because of that acceptance even physical death will not keep us apart. I would like to encourage every parent that reads this to do a couple of things. First, ask yourself what would happen to you if you died tonight. If you do not know the answer please read 1 John Chapter 3. Second, know how your children stand spiritually and guide them accordingly. Third, appreciate every game, dance, vacation, dinner, etc. that you have with those you love. If you do these things, it will make it easier to wake up each morning if, heaven forbid, your ever in our families shoes.
Mike"Buckett" Burkett
Friday, February 13, 2009
Satans Lie
Many times in my blogs I have spoken about God knowing a parent's pain when losing a child because he has been in those very shoes. I would think God's pain was even worse because Jesus was sent to die for each one of us. Our sin was so bad that Jesus had to be perfect to be able to pay the debt of that sin. He was born of a virgin and led a sinless life. He resisted temptation many times. To top it all off, he allowed the very people he came to save to torture and torment him for many hours when, at any time, he could have summoned an army of Angels to come in and rescue him. Who did he do this for? You , me, all of us that would ask him into our lives as our Lord and Saviour.
Satan has many lies to keep us from accepting Jesus. Theres plenty of time. You are not worthy. There's no such thing as heaven. And that's just a few. We, as individuals, must see through whatever lie Satan is attacking us with. You see, he does not want you to receive Jesus and salvation. He wants you for his very own and he doesn’t want you as a born again Christian out there working against him. Satan knows his ultimate destiny, and he is going to do all he can to take as many as possible with him.
I want to take a moment and discuss one of the things that I struggled with mightily when it came to doing God’s work. Due to the fact that I live a less than perfect life, I never considered myself to having the credentials that it took to spread God’s Word. I thought no one would listen and I would be called a hypocrite and many other things. I began to spend a lot of time in prayer and God, as he always does, offered many answers. I want to share these with you.
The new testament has two different places where Jesus stepped up and literally saved someone that we would deem unworthy. In St Luke Chapter 23 Jesus was sent before Pilate and Herod to receive sentence. Neither would condemn him to death but the crowd wanted Blood. Pilate finally let the crowd choose between Jesus and Barabas. Barabus was a thief, rapist, and murderer. He was considered by many to be the worst criminal around. The crowd chose Barabus to be released. Jesus, who had never sinned, stood up and took the death sentence for Barabus. Guys, that wasn’t a coincidence.
The second time that Jesus saved someone is one of the most incredible moments in history to me. Again it comes from St Luke Chapter 23. Jesus was nailed to the cross, hanging there with two criminals. One criminal was mocking Jesus and got rebuked by the other. The second thief said to the first, “ Can you not see that this is the Son Of God”. He then turned to my Lord and ask him to remember him in heaven. Jesus turned to the convicted criminal and said, "today, you will be with me in paradise”. You see, on that Cross, a guy that had been a lifelong criminal received salvation. He simply acknowledged that Jesus was the son of God and then accepted him when he called him Lord.
The point that I am trying to make here is very simple. Satan wants you to think that you are not worthy. He wants you to think that because you are divorced, an alcoholic, had an abortion, etc. that you are not worthy of Salvation. That is not true. Once you receive Jesus as your Lord, your past transgressions are gone. The crimson stain left by whatever sin you have will be washed white as snow. If this is the lie that Satan has attacked you with, please trust me in this. Bow down on your knees and ask for forgiveness, accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and receive the salvation that the thief on the cross received. There is no time like the present, and as discussed many times before on this blog, we do not know when our July 20th willl come.
Satan has many lies to keep us from accepting Jesus. Theres plenty of time. You are not worthy. There's no such thing as heaven. And that's just a few. We, as individuals, must see through whatever lie Satan is attacking us with. You see, he does not want you to receive Jesus and salvation. He wants you for his very own and he doesn’t want you as a born again Christian out there working against him. Satan knows his ultimate destiny, and he is going to do all he can to take as many as possible with him.
I want to take a moment and discuss one of the things that I struggled with mightily when it came to doing God’s work. Due to the fact that I live a less than perfect life, I never considered myself to having the credentials that it took to spread God’s Word. I thought no one would listen and I would be called a hypocrite and many other things. I began to spend a lot of time in prayer and God, as he always does, offered many answers. I want to share these with you.
The new testament has two different places where Jesus stepped up and literally saved someone that we would deem unworthy. In St Luke Chapter 23 Jesus was sent before Pilate and Herod to receive sentence. Neither would condemn him to death but the crowd wanted Blood. Pilate finally let the crowd choose between Jesus and Barabas. Barabus was a thief, rapist, and murderer. He was considered by many to be the worst criminal around. The crowd chose Barabus to be released. Jesus, who had never sinned, stood up and took the death sentence for Barabus. Guys, that wasn’t a coincidence.
The second time that Jesus saved someone is one of the most incredible moments in history to me. Again it comes from St Luke Chapter 23. Jesus was nailed to the cross, hanging there with two criminals. One criminal was mocking Jesus and got rebuked by the other. The second thief said to the first, “ Can you not see that this is the Son Of God”. He then turned to my Lord and ask him to remember him in heaven. Jesus turned to the convicted criminal and said, "today, you will be with me in paradise”. You see, on that Cross, a guy that had been a lifelong criminal received salvation. He simply acknowledged that Jesus was the son of God and then accepted him when he called him Lord.
The point that I am trying to make here is very simple. Satan wants you to think that you are not worthy. He wants you to think that because you are divorced, an alcoholic, had an abortion, etc. that you are not worthy of Salvation. That is not true. Once you receive Jesus as your Lord, your past transgressions are gone. The crimson stain left by whatever sin you have will be washed white as snow. If this is the lie that Satan has attacked you with, please trust me in this. Bow down on your knees and ask for forgiveness, accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior and receive the salvation that the thief on the cross received. There is no time like the present, and as discussed many times before on this blog, we do not know when our July 20th willl come.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
My Help Cometh From The Lord
I recently received a prayer request from Missy Skinner. Many of you will know Missy and her Husband Jeff. Our families have been friends for many years. We basically grew up at the ballpark together. They have been going thru some really hard times, so if you would, read their story and lets lift these guys up in prayer.
It seems like every time you turn the television on or open the newspaper, you see one tragedy after another. I would like to share that among all the bad there is still some good out there. There are good people out there. My family has been blessed by family, friends, the community, business associates, our Army family, and many people I do not even know.
It all started on October 26, 2008, I took my husband, Jeff, to the Emergency Room. He was suffering from a serve headache. His serve headache turned out to be another brain tumor. On October 27, 2008, Jeff had his second brain surgery at Trinity Hospital. The surgeon removed the tumor. After the surgery, the doctor came out and told me that my husband has a Stage 4 Cancerous tumor. He was given a 48 week life expectancy. I stood still trying to comprehend what had just been told to me. At the same time, I am trying to figure out how I am going to tell our only child her father has cancer. Our only child is only 16 years old. I am 39 and Jeff is 38, how could this be?
On Tuesday, October 28, 2008, Jeff took a turn for the worse. Jeff was experiencing swelling on the brain. During this time Jeff also had his first stroke. His short-term memory was affected. He had many other physical challenges to overcome. His balance was off, etc. God has been very good and merciful through all of this. The faith of my family has grown stronger. We know and understand that He is the Great Physician. Finally, on November 8, 2008, Jeff was released from the hospital. Praise the Lord!
Everything was going really well. Jeff was getting stronger each day. His memory was improving. His other physical problems were getting better. Jeff was not feeling well on Sunday, December 7, 2008 so I took him to the Emergency Room. They changed his medication and he seemed to be fine. Jeff was finally able to begin his Radiation and Chemo treatment on Monday, December 8, 2008. Everything went well during his first treatment. I took him in for his second treatment on Tuesday, December 9, 2008, and the entire world changed. During this treatment Jeff was rushed to the Emergency Room at Trinity Hospital. He was experiencing brain swelling again. During this time Jeff, also suffered another stroke. Jeff had to undergo another brain surgery. After his surgery, the doctor came out and told me that they removed the bone flap that was put in after his first surgery, some dead brain cells, and new cancerous cells. The doctors exact words were, “We’ve done all we can do, He is in the Lord’s hands”. The next morning, the doctor told me that he didn’t expect to see me because he felt that Jeff would not make it through the night. He told me, “Mrs. Skinner, he is a miracle”. I know Jeff is a miracle…my miracle. Well as of today, I still believe that the God I know and serve will heal my husband, the father of my child.
The strokes have affected Jeff’s vision. He is still suffering from other physical problems from the cancer and his third brain surgery. He is unable to take care of himself let alone stay by himself. I am reminded of our wedding vows…”For better or worse, in sickness and in health”. This is a good lesson for those going through this with us to learn what unconditional love is.
Jeff was finally released from the Hospital on Tuesday, December 16, 2008. Our story gets more interesting here. On Saturday, December 20, 2008, Jeff’s sisters picked my daughter Megan and me up to go and finish our Christmas shopping. No matter what was going on in our personal life…Christmas was rapidly approaching. Their husbands were going to be Jeff’s caretakers that day. They came over and stayed with him for a little while and then took him to Krispy Kreme for some donuts.
I had barely gotten inside the mall and started to shop when my cell phone began to ring. My next door neighbor called and told me that our house was on fire! I remember thinking this can’t be happening! I had been doing all morning. Apparently there was a short in the dryer and this is the cause of the fire. (No I did not leave the dryer running when I left.)
God is good and He does take care of His children. The Christmas gifts I had already purchased and wrapped were rescued. My scrapbooks of our lives were saved. A few other sentimental items were also saved. Other than that we lost everything else.
Now, this is the good I want to tell you about. God is good all the time, all the time God is good! To get through life, you might as well look for humor. The day of the fire, as the day was ending, we were joking around about sending our story in to Extreme Home Makeover. Well, who needs Extreme Home Makeover when you have family, friends, and a community that have all pitched in to help rebuild our home! God puts people in your path in His timing. We have been overwhelmed from the kindness and generosity of others. God’s love is truly shining through others as they are blessing us. I can’t express our thanks enough. There are good people in this world!
I thank you for taking the time to read, Our Story. Your consideration in airing our story on your show would be more than appreciated. There are so many people to thank, I’m not sure of any other way to thank them all.
If you would like to verify Our Story, it was shared on Magic 96 by a personal friend of mine during their Christmas Elves. However, this was shared before the house fire. When someone hears about the fire on top of stage 4 brain cancer, their mouth drops open and they say, you’re kidding me…this can’t be true.
Missy Skinner
It seems like every time you turn the television on or open the newspaper, you see one tragedy after another. I would like to share that among all the bad there is still some good out there. There are good people out there. My family has been blessed by family, friends, the community, business associates, our Army family, and many people I do not even know.
It all started on October 26, 2008, I took my husband, Jeff, to the Emergency Room. He was suffering from a serve headache. His serve headache turned out to be another brain tumor. On October 27, 2008, Jeff had his second brain surgery at Trinity Hospital. The surgeon removed the tumor. After the surgery, the doctor came out and told me that my husband has a Stage 4 Cancerous tumor. He was given a 48 week life expectancy. I stood still trying to comprehend what had just been told to me. At the same time, I am trying to figure out how I am going to tell our only child her father has cancer. Our only child is only 16 years old. I am 39 and Jeff is 38, how could this be?
On Tuesday, October 28, 2008, Jeff took a turn for the worse. Jeff was experiencing swelling on the brain. During this time Jeff also had his first stroke. His short-term memory was affected. He had many other physical challenges to overcome. His balance was off, etc. God has been very good and merciful through all of this. The faith of my family has grown stronger. We know and understand that He is the Great Physician. Finally, on November 8, 2008, Jeff was released from the hospital. Praise the Lord!
Everything was going really well. Jeff was getting stronger each day. His memory was improving. His other physical problems were getting better. Jeff was not feeling well on Sunday, December 7, 2008 so I took him to the Emergency Room. They changed his medication and he seemed to be fine. Jeff was finally able to begin his Radiation and Chemo treatment on Monday, December 8, 2008. Everything went well during his first treatment. I took him in for his second treatment on Tuesday, December 9, 2008, and the entire world changed. During this treatment Jeff was rushed to the Emergency Room at Trinity Hospital. He was experiencing brain swelling again. During this time Jeff, also suffered another stroke. Jeff had to undergo another brain surgery. After his surgery, the doctor came out and told me that they removed the bone flap that was put in after his first surgery, some dead brain cells, and new cancerous cells. The doctors exact words were, “We’ve done all we can do, He is in the Lord’s hands”. The next morning, the doctor told me that he didn’t expect to see me because he felt that Jeff would not make it through the night. He told me, “Mrs. Skinner, he is a miracle”. I know Jeff is a miracle…my miracle. Well as of today, I still believe that the God I know and serve will heal my husband, the father of my child.
The strokes have affected Jeff’s vision. He is still suffering from other physical problems from the cancer and his third brain surgery. He is unable to take care of himself let alone stay by himself. I am reminded of our wedding vows…”For better or worse, in sickness and in health”. This is a good lesson for those going through this with us to learn what unconditional love is.
Jeff was finally released from the Hospital on Tuesday, December 16, 2008. Our story gets more interesting here. On Saturday, December 20, 2008, Jeff’s sisters picked my daughter Megan and me up to go and finish our Christmas shopping. No matter what was going on in our personal life…Christmas was rapidly approaching. Their husbands were going to be Jeff’s caretakers that day. They came over and stayed with him for a little while and then took him to Krispy Kreme for some donuts.
I had barely gotten inside the mall and started to shop when my cell phone began to ring. My next door neighbor called and told me that our house was on fire! I remember thinking this can’t be happening! I had been doing all morning. Apparently there was a short in the dryer and this is the cause of the fire. (No I did not leave the dryer running when I left.)
God is good and He does take care of His children. The Christmas gifts I had already purchased and wrapped were rescued. My scrapbooks of our lives were saved. A few other sentimental items were also saved. Other than that we lost everything else.
Now, this is the good I want to tell you about. God is good all the time, all the time God is good! To get through life, you might as well look for humor. The day of the fire, as the day was ending, we were joking around about sending our story in to Extreme Home Makeover. Well, who needs Extreme Home Makeover when you have family, friends, and a community that have all pitched in to help rebuild our home! God puts people in your path in His timing. We have been overwhelmed from the kindness and generosity of others. God’s love is truly shining through others as they are blessing us. I can’t express our thanks enough. There are good people in this world!
I thank you for taking the time to read, Our Story. Your consideration in airing our story on your show would be more than appreciated. There are so many people to thank, I’m not sure of any other way to thank them all.
If you would like to verify Our Story, it was shared on Magic 96 by a personal friend of mine during their Christmas Elves. However, this was shared before the house fire. When someone hears about the fire on top of stage 4 brain cancer, their mouth drops open and they say, you’re kidding me…this can’t be true.
Missy Skinner
Friday, February 6, 2009

Please welcome guest blogger David Jett!!!!
David, now pastor of Crossgate Baptist Church in Brandon, Mississippi, is a long-time friend of mine who baptised my wife and kids, married my wife and I, and has been a prayer partner of mine for many years. Please enjoy his post...
Mike Burkett (aka Buckett) has been one of my close friends for many years. We have laughed together, hunted together, and cried together. He can tell stories on me but knows better, because I can tell better ones on him! As a pastor, I don’t have the opportunity to be just David around many people. With Buckett I am just David.
When he asked me to write something for his blog I felt at first a little intimidated. As I have read his blogs I hear his heart crying out telling the story of life as a daddy who has experienced the great sadness in the death of his baby. What can I add? Not much, but as he shares in his blogs, I also hear the heart cry of a believer in Jesus who knows more now than ever the realities of eternity.
What I have written is the cry of both our hearts to you, one of his readers. Our burden is for you to know with certainty that heaven is your destination. So please read the following and allow the Lord Jesus to speak to your heart. Don’t allow the arguments in your mind to keep Him from speaking to your heart. Enjoy the journey!
Are You Holding Real Gold or Fool’s Gold?
The California gold rush of 1849 forever changed the American landscape. Thousands of get-rich-quick idealists traveled cross country hoping to find their fortune. A few struck it rich, but many fortune seekers ended up empty handed.
Though many never found gold, they were not the most to be pitied. Some of the saddest stories are of those poor souls who thought they struck it rich, only to be later called a fool. Several discovered gold – or so they thought. They ran to tell all their family and friends only to discover the bitter reality. Rather than discover gold, they had unearthed pyrite. Pyrite is an iron sulfide that gives off a yellow metallic luster much like gold. To the casual observer pyrite can be mistaken as gold. Because of this, pyrite earned the nickname, fool’s gold. In an instant, men went from wealth to worthless, famous to foolish. Many became so overcome by their “foolish” mistake they deserted their family and reclused to hiding the rest of their life.
Many in our churches today are falling for a new “pyrite”. This new “fool’s gold” looks like the real gold to a casual observer, but upon closer inspection it proves to be worthless. Jesus warned of this fool’s gold. He said that many would come to Him convinced they had discovered the real gold only to find out they had fallen victim to “fool’s gold.” Jesus said that on judgment day those poor fools are going to hear the seven most frightening words they will ever hear. He will say to them, “Depart from me, I never knew you” (see Matthew 7:22-23).
So how do we discover the real gold of biblical salvation and not fall victim to the fool’s gold of cheap imitations? First we must dig in the right places. Many people dig for the real gold of biblical salvation in the mountains of religion. What they discover are many nuggets of religious rules and rituals. In haste they think they have found what they are looking for only to discover religion to be fool’s gold. Religion is man’s attempt to work his way up to God. Jesus called these people whitewashed tombs. They looked pretty on the outside, but on the inside were full of dead men’s bones (see Matthew 23:27).
Another place people dig for the real gold is in the mountain of facts about Jesus. These people discover the facts about Jesus and then believe those facts, thinking themselves to have the real gold. This “fool’s gold” is tricky because it looks so right on the surface. A person hears the information about Jesus (i.e. His virgin birth, sinless life, death on the cross, and resurrection), agrees with the information and considers that enough. These poor souls have fallen victim to the “fool’s gold” of information with no transformation. Jesus has become for them a great historical figure who really lived, died, and rose again. As the Son of God, He is the only way to heaven, but He has brought no transforming reality to their everyday life.
So where do we find the real gold? Where is the right place to dig for the treasure we are longing to find? The real gold is found in the mountain of TRUST. Jesus one day took a religious leader named Nicodemus to this mountain. Nicodemus knew there was something different about Jesus. But Jesus confused him when He told him that he “…must be born again” (John 3:3). Jesus then proceeded to explain Himself by telling him that, “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Jesus showed Nicodemus the key to finding the real gold. He told him that he must “believe in” Jesus to be saved.
I know that some of you have just become confused, but let me explain. The word used for “in” in the Bible when referring to the believing that is the real gold is the word, “into”. The difference may seem small, but the distance is eternal. To believe INTO something means to trust your life to that something. For example, I may believe a plane will fly, but until I get inside the plane and trust my life to my belief I have not believed INTO. It is this believing INTO Jesus that brings the real gold of genuine salvation. Jesus concluded His teaching to Nicodemus by saying, “Whoever believes in [INTO] him [JESUS] is not condemned, but whoever does not believe [INTO JESUS] stands condemned already because he has not believed in [INTO] the name of God’s one and only Son” (John 3:18). And this real gold is tested through the fiery trials of life.
The Bible tells us that the real gold of biblical salvation is proved genuine through fire. Listen to what Jesus said about people who believe IN, but not INTO Jesus. “Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away” (Luke 8:13). C. S. Lewis said, “You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.”
I will never forget the phone call I received on Sunday, July 20, from Mike. Like many of you, the shock of Katie’s death cut deep in my soul. We were on our way back from our oldest son’s wedding in South Carolina. When we heard the news Kathy and I began weeping as we were driving through Atlanta on our way back home. Our youngest son, Caleb, was in the back seat and I suddenly had the urge to stop the car, get out and hug him for a while. As the hours, days, and weeks following Katie’s death have crept forward we have all watched Buckett’s faith prove genuine. He has the real gold! Do you?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
A Little Help From The Monkey Gallery
Gardendale had Senior night last night at the Basketball game. I stood up and watched all of the senior Cheerleaders go out and receive their flowers with their parents. I hate that Katie was not there to receive that one last accolade from high school. At the same time though, I couldnt help but understand how much each one of those five Senior Cheerleaders have been through this year. These young ladies had to take every step of every day and every practice and every game knowing that they had a fallen friend. I am sure that Katie never left their minds and hearts during all of this. As they came out on that floor, all five looked at me and smiled or winked or mouthed something. Each one of the parents did the same.
The title of this page is "A Little Help From The Monkey Gallery." What I mean by that is so many of you have helped my family with your Love, prayers and support, that if you would , please remember these five gals next time you say a prayer. They have spent so much time being a comfort to me that I have neglected to understand their pain. I promise I will not do that anymore.
Molly, Carli, Danielle, Katie Mac and Blakely, Thank you for all you guys have done. Each time I see one of you, I see a little of Buggs. You guys were a great friend to her and to all the Burketts and I for one am so proud of you. I look forward to watching you guys take the next step and you know if you ever need anything please just ask.
Mike "Buckett" Burkett
The title of this page is "A Little Help From The Monkey Gallery." What I mean by that is so many of you have helped my family with your Love, prayers and support, that if you would , please remember these five gals next time you say a prayer. They have spent so much time being a comfort to me that I have neglected to understand their pain. I promise I will not do that anymore.
Molly, Carli, Danielle, Katie Mac and Blakely, Thank you for all you guys have done. Each time I see one of you, I see a little of Buggs. You guys were a great friend to her and to all the Burketts and I for one am so proud of you. I look forward to watching you guys take the next step and you know if you ever need anything please just ask.
Mike "Buckett" Burkett
Monday, January 26, 2009
Answered Prayers
Like many other parents, I began praying for my children when they were very young. I would pray that God would give me wisdom in raising them, that he would protect them and keep them healthy, and that they would be saved, among other things. When Katie began to drive, that prayer changed somewhat. I would ask for her protection while driving and that she would not do anything to harm anyone else with her vehicle. These prayers would go up daily, because the Bible tells us that if we pray with diligence, our prayers would be answered.
On July 20th, my Katie was killed in an automobile accident. The very thing that I had prayed to not happen, did. I had a very hard time dealing with this. Silently, I would think this to myself and never brought it up to anyone or even to God. Was I second guessing God and his will? Did God forsake me and allow the very thing that I dreaded happen to my baby in spite of my prayers? How was it that the words of the Bible had misled me. For a time, I had no answers. Then one night I was liying in bed when the realization came to me that My Heavenly Father knew what I was thinking and feeling whether I wanted to admit it or not. I bowed my head and closed my eyes and began explaining my feelings and asking God why. God let me finish my prayer and then began explaining to me what I should have known all along.
You see, over the last few years as I started walking closer to the Lord, I began praying for the things mentioned above. I always finished my prayers with the request that the Lord would use all of us (our family) for the glory of his kingdom. What greater gift could any Christian have than knowing that their life somehow Glorified God. My Father let me know that he had bestowed that priviledge upon my baby. During Katie's funeral an invitation was given. I had four people tell me at the graveside or the dinner afterwards that they received Christ that day. I have also had many people come to me and say how touched they have been by Buggs and the events around our tragedy. Our Lord and Savior has a plan and if we will just trust him, he will indeed hear our prayers.
The most amazing thing about this story is how God shows us his love for us over and over. While I was questioning in my mind why he let this happen, God in return gave me a very compassionate answer. He does not have to okay his plan with me. He does not have to give me reasons for the question, "why." He could have turned away from me for not trusting in him, but instead he rewarded me the way only our loving, compassionate father would. I believe he did this because he knows the pain of a father that has lost a child. As I have stated before he gave Jesus up at Calvary for our sins so he knows how I feel. I am going to close with this: God loves us very much and while we may not understand his plan, if we just trust in him, he will not give us any more than we can handle here on earth. He will also reward us when we leave this earth.
Mike "Buckett" Burkett
Like many other parents, I began praying for my children when they were very young. I would pray that God would give me wisdom in raising them, that he would protect them and keep them healthy, and that they would be saved, among other things. When Katie began to drive, that prayer changed somewhat. I would ask for her protection while driving and that she would not do anything to harm anyone else with her vehicle. These prayers would go up daily, because the Bible tells us that if we pray with diligence, our prayers would be answered.
On July 20th, my Katie was killed in an automobile accident. The very thing that I had prayed to not happen, did. I had a very hard time dealing with this. Silently, I would think this to myself and never brought it up to anyone or even to God. Was I second guessing God and his will? Did God forsake me and allow the very thing that I dreaded happen to my baby in spite of my prayers? How was it that the words of the Bible had misled me. For a time, I had no answers. Then one night I was liying in bed when the realization came to me that My Heavenly Father knew what I was thinking and feeling whether I wanted to admit it or not. I bowed my head and closed my eyes and began explaining my feelings and asking God why. God let me finish my prayer and then began explaining to me what I should have known all along.
You see, over the last few years as I started walking closer to the Lord, I began praying for the things mentioned above. I always finished my prayers with the request that the Lord would use all of us (our family) for the glory of his kingdom. What greater gift could any Christian have than knowing that their life somehow Glorified God. My Father let me know that he had bestowed that priviledge upon my baby. During Katie's funeral an invitation was given. I had four people tell me at the graveside or the dinner afterwards that they received Christ that day. I have also had many people come to me and say how touched they have been by Buggs and the events around our tragedy. Our Lord and Savior has a plan and if we will just trust him, he will indeed hear our prayers.
The most amazing thing about this story is how God shows us his love for us over and over. While I was questioning in my mind why he let this happen, God in return gave me a very compassionate answer. He does not have to okay his plan with me. He does not have to give me reasons for the question, "why." He could have turned away from me for not trusting in him, but instead he rewarded me the way only our loving, compassionate father would. I believe he did this because he knows the pain of a father that has lost a child. As I have stated before he gave Jesus up at Calvary for our sins so he knows how I feel. I am going to close with this: God loves us very much and while we may not understand his plan, if we just trust in him, he will not give us any more than we can handle here on earth. He will also reward us when we leave this earth.
Mike "Buckett" Burkett
Sunday, January 11, 2009
What do you say?
How many times have you been sitting in your living room watching TV and have the phone ring. Someone else answers it and you can tell by their face that something just isnt right. You wait very impatiently for that person to get off the phone so you can find out what is wrong. Then come the words that tell you someone you know has passed away. If you are like me, your first thought is for the person, and then the pain that you know the loved ones are now experiencing. Somewhere, after those first few thoughts, you realize you are going to have to see the family members, and, if you are like me, figure out what you are going to say.
I think of the times this has happened to me in the past. With friends that have lost a spouse. A few times with someone that has lost a child. Mostly though with former players that have lost one of their parents. It has always been something that I have not been comfortable with. It has been something that I have tried to figure out ways out of, but, something I know I must do. Guys, after July 20th, 2008, I think I have figured out the answer to this situation.
So very many of you came to us during the week of Katie's passing. I heard many different things, but most of the time I could tell that the person approaching me really had no idea what to say. The thing that helped me the most was the fact that you were here with me. There really was nothing you could say, because at the time I didnt know what I wanted to hear. Words spoken to me were not going to do anything to take away the pain. However, I have found that words have been able to ease the suffering that I have gone through.
You see, during some of the most trying times in the last few months like homecoming, Katie's birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, so very many of you have called or E-mailed to say that you are lifting us up in prayer. Times like these that I had been dreading were made easier because my Heavenly Father has covered me in his grace and, at times, given me signs that my baby is alive and doing very well. God gave me the thought that I talked about in my last blog about Christmas in Heaven and how wonderful that must have been for Buggs. Guys, that is a direct answer to so very many of my Christian brotherhood fighting the battle for me. Some may say that I have become a crazy holy roller or something and thats ok. Can you see the results of your prayers, no. I cant see the wind either, but I can definately see the results of it. In this same way, I can see and feel the results of your prayers.
With all this being said, I guess the best thing you can say to someone is " I will be praying for you". Thats the thing that has helped me the most. To be honest I remember very little of the words that were spoken, but I remember how many of you came that hurt for us and loved Katie. Just you being here said enough. Please continue to pray for my family and I. You guys are making an incredible difference in the life of a daddy that misses his little girl terribly. I cannot carry this burden without Gods grace and your prayers are being heard on our behalf. I will do all I can to stay in Gods grace. I know that their are many other burdens that need to be lifted up, but if you can keep me on the list guys I will appreciate it very much. God Bless you guys and if I can be of assistance in any way feel free to call
Mike "Buckett" Burkett
P.S. My computer crashed and I have lost all e-mail addresses so anyone that can please give me your e-mail address again. My E-mail is
I think of the times this has happened to me in the past. With friends that have lost a spouse. A few times with someone that has lost a child. Mostly though with former players that have lost one of their parents. It has always been something that I have not been comfortable with. It has been something that I have tried to figure out ways out of, but, something I know I must do. Guys, after July 20th, 2008, I think I have figured out the answer to this situation.
So very many of you came to us during the week of Katie's passing. I heard many different things, but most of the time I could tell that the person approaching me really had no idea what to say. The thing that helped me the most was the fact that you were here with me. There really was nothing you could say, because at the time I didnt know what I wanted to hear. Words spoken to me were not going to do anything to take away the pain. However, I have found that words have been able to ease the suffering that I have gone through.
You see, during some of the most trying times in the last few months like homecoming, Katie's birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, so very many of you have called or E-mailed to say that you are lifting us up in prayer. Times like these that I had been dreading were made easier because my Heavenly Father has covered me in his grace and, at times, given me signs that my baby is alive and doing very well. God gave me the thought that I talked about in my last blog about Christmas in Heaven and how wonderful that must have been for Buggs. Guys, that is a direct answer to so very many of my Christian brotherhood fighting the battle for me. Some may say that I have become a crazy holy roller or something and thats ok. Can you see the results of your prayers, no. I cant see the wind either, but I can definately see the results of it. In this same way, I can see and feel the results of your prayers.
With all this being said, I guess the best thing you can say to someone is " I will be praying for you". Thats the thing that has helped me the most. To be honest I remember very little of the words that were spoken, but I remember how many of you came that hurt for us and loved Katie. Just you being here said enough. Please continue to pray for my family and I. You guys are making an incredible difference in the life of a daddy that misses his little girl terribly. I cannot carry this burden without Gods grace and your prayers are being heard on our behalf. I will do all I can to stay in Gods grace. I know that their are many other burdens that need to be lifted up, but if you can keep me on the list guys I will appreciate it very much. God Bless you guys and if I can be of assistance in any way feel free to call
Mike "Buckett" Burkett
P.S. My computer crashed and I have lost all e-mail addresses so anyone that can please give me your e-mail address again. My E-mail is
Thursday, January 8, 2009
One Nation Under God
From time to time, as I am sure you have noticed, I will put something other than what I write on my blog. I realize you guys get tired of reading my thoughts and I hear or see something that is an influence on my life. I find this next article to be so very true for our country now. I encourage each one of you to join me in prayer for the state of our country and its leaders, for our childrens sake, if for no other reason.
'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen!'
Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God.'
'Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Amen!'
Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,' and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired. With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'One nation under God.'
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